
文章 13 – 休假

13.0 休假

13.1 沒有所有的葉子是由以下的一般規定的制約:

13.1.1 Leave requests must be approved by the department head or direct supervisor.

13.1.2 一種用於五個以上的請假申請 (5) 個工作日內,必須在規定的表格提出.

13.1.3 臨時任命僅限於事假不得超過一個 (1) 月.

13.1.4 在育兒假的情況下,, 正式員工可休假延長至六個額外的 (6) 個月, 超出法律規定的樹葉.

13.1.5 證人和陪審團義務休假規定的,由公務員制度委員會的規則來管理.

13.2 Sick Leave With Pay

13.2.1 Unit members earn sick leave at a rate of 0.05 hours of leave per hour worked. Unused sick leave may be accumulated from year to year up to a maximum accumulation of one thousand forty (1040) 小時.

13.2.2 沒有病假工資與最初90期間允許 (90) 就業的天,除非病假信用已經以前所獲.

13.2.3 Unit members must notify their supervisor, as soon as possible, when they are unable to report for duty because of illness, and of their appropriate date of return to work. 病假保護收入損失而喪失工作能力.


一個. 不能因為生病或受傷的工作, not job-incurred.

b. 醫療及牙醫.

C. 缺席由於公共健康或其他機構部申報檢疫.

d. 條所界定的直系親屬或其他親屬死亡 13.5.

Ë. 沒有因懷孕或恢復期分娩.

F. Illness or medical appointment of child or dependent adult. Absence because of the illness, injury, or medical or dental appointment of a biological or adopted child or child for whom the employee has parenting or child rearing responsibilities or because of the illness, injury, medical or dental appointment of a dependent adult.

13.2.4 僱員誰缺席了超過五年 (5) 連續工作日, 必須提交由醫生簽署的聲明, 按摩師, 牙醫, 足科醫生, 持牌臨床心理學家或基督教科學從業者有足夠的證明疾病信息.

13.2.5 在涉嫌假濫用格局的情況下,, 一個部門的頭可以要求僱員在指定的專業人士之一,提供認證 13.2.4 for any amount of absence due to illness or require consultation with a District-approved doctor at District expense.

13.3 Illness During Vacation

13.3.1 誰是住院的員工, become ill or suffer an accident during a paid vacation which necessitated their being absent from normal duties, as certified by an attending physician’s written report, upon return to duty, may request that such time be charged against accrued sick leave instead of vacation.

13.3.2 這樣的請求, 連同適當的文件, 應以書面形式提交給相應的主管, 並不得無故被拒絕.

13.4 Catastrophic Sick Leave Transfer Program

13.4.1 Purpose – The Catastrophic Sick Leave Transfer Program is a resource to provide relief to those classified employees represented by SEIU 1021 誰遭受災難性的疾病或傷害. 災難性疾病或受傷意味著有望喪失能力的員工對於長時間生病或受傷, 或癱瘓員工的家庭成員,並要求員工從工作中抽出時間休息的長時間採取這種家庭成員的照顧.

In order to qualify for the catastro-phic sick leave transfer program: All entitled sick leave and extended sick leave and/or any other paid time need to be exhausted prior to application for donated sick leave from the program. The illness or injury must be certified by the attending physician who verifies that the illness or injury shall last for at least 30 天完全癱瘓員工 (或家庭成員) 從所有工作.

13.4.2 Eligibility for Participation – All classified members of the bargaining unit represented by SEIU 1021 有資格參加災難性病假轉讓計劃. 收件人是從災難性離開工作時禁止. 處理 接受者: 收件人必須用盡所有帶薪休假從銀行領取時間. The recipient must apply for participation in the Catastrophic Sick Leave Transfer Program to the Union. Such application shall include medical reports certifying that the illness/injury is catastrophic as defined above. SEIU負責收集捐贈的時間. 員工應書面授權捐款, 簽, 並註明日期. SEIU shall compile the list of donated time in order of donations received and a breakdown of how many sick leave and accrued and earned vacations hours members donated, 然後SEIU將名單提交區以及配套書面授權. A classified recipient may receive no more than the average or hourly scheduled number of hours worked daily times 100 每受傷或生病這家銀行. 工會: SEIU shall inform their membership on a case-by-case basis when the need for donated time arises. Once the first-round list is received by the District, 沒有更多的捐款將被添加. 倘若需要更多的捐款, 這一進程應重演. 區: 該區將轉換捐贈小時的美元金額, 基於工資率(小號) of the donor worker(小號). 此後, 該區將扣除指定的病假和累積,並獲得休假時間從捐助者, 根據名單, 並且將其存入休假工人, 根據休假工人的工資率. Donated hours utilized in the order received, 二 (2) 根據需要在旋轉的基礎上每一個供體時間小時. 使用任何捐獻病假前已捐贈累計賺了休假時間從應首先利用所有捐助者. 在災難性休假結束, the District shall return to SEIU the original authorization forms that now indicate hours were used and unused per each donor. 該聯盟將負責與捐助成員分享這種平衡.

13.5 喪假

13.5.1 喪假利用率的目的應是缺席由於談判單位成員的家庭成員死亡.

Family shall mean: spouse or domestic partner, parents, parents of the domestic partner or parents-in-law, 祖父母, step-parents, 所述單元部件的兒童, adopted children of the unit member, step-children of the unit member, 所述單元部件的兄弟姐妹, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of the unit member, 所述單元部件的孫子, 一個孩子誰的員工有父母的責任, 姑媽, uncle, or any relative of the bargaining unit member who lived in the immediate household of the bargaining unit member.

13.5.2 小號uch leave shall not exceed five (5) working days and shall be completed within three months of the death. A Unit Member shall be granted up to three (3) additional days bereavement leave, if travel beyond a 500 mile radius is required, in the event of the death of a member of their immediate family.

13.5.3 對於因為任何其他人來說,該僱員死亡的情況下,可以合理地認為是相敬; 離開應不超過一個 (1) 工作日; 然而,2 (2) 額外的工作日; 如果要延長旅遊需要的人的死亡結果被授予.

13.5.4 In alignment with California law, unit members are eligible for this leave if they have been employed for at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the leave. The unit member, if requested within 30 days of the first day of the leave, shall provide documentation of the death of the family member.

13.6 家庭護理與醫療休假

舊金山聯合學區 (the District) 和SEIU, 本地 1021 (the Union) 確認區的義務,遵守家庭醫療休假法案 (FMLA), 加州家庭權利法案 (CFRA), 和國防授權法案, 以及規章制度執行這樣的法律. 有關申請FMLA和CFRA葉的信息可以在SFUSD Intranet的網頁上找到.

13.6.1 為了本節,並與現行法律相一致, 術語“父”是指生物, 培育, in-law, 或養父母, a step-parent, 或法定監護人.

13.6.2 在本節中,並與現行法律相一致的目的, 術語“孩子,“是指生物, 採用, 和養子, a step-child, 法律病房, 或僱員的站在瘋子孩子parentis誰或者是未滿十八 (18) 歲以上的成人受撫養的子女.
