文章 15 – 替代品,並根據需要員工
15.0 替代品,並根據需要員工
15.1 The District shall maintain a current “as needed” employee list in order to provide a substitute pool to cover the positions of absent clerical and custodial employees. 這些“按需”的員工將是除了誰目前工作作為替代品永久員工. The District shall budget $300,000 per year with the express purpose of using these funds to maintain a substitute pool in the clerical and custodial divisions. These employees should not be utilized to fill permanent vacancies or long-term vacancies without replacements being added to said pool.
15.2 當指定上述代用品, 應當優先向其中只有一個店員和一名管理員已分配小學網站.