
文章 17 – 保管規定

17.0 Custodial Positions

17.1 轉讓

17.1.1 每當, 在託管業務的董事的判斷, 它是服務的最佳利益, 一個分類的員工持有長期任用在普通公務員職位在一所學校可能, 在他們的書面請求, 在另一所學校被轉移到同一個公務員分類的位置.

17.1.2 在根據這一程序作出轉讓, 所有其他的事情都是平等的, 應優先考慮誰擁有最長的服務作為學區的永久僱員的僱員.

17.1.3 The District agrees to post and accept bids once a year on all vacant positions to be filled. 兩人的等待期 (2) 這種發布後幾週將會觀察, 在此期間,申請人可以書面申請保管服務主任空缺.

17.1.4 Executive Director of Facilities Services or their designee shall be given an opportunity to interview candidates for vacancies. The transfer shall be made effective at the proper time unless disapproved for cause by both the principal and the Director of Custodial Services Executive Director of Facilities Services or their designee.

17.1.5 這樣的受讓方無權在任何學年以上的傳遞,除了下保管服務處處長特別許可.

17.1.6 任何必要的服務的良好的轉換應採用基於程序的需求, 平權行動和資歷. 所有的事情都是平等, 資歷將是決定因素.

17.2 臨時更改

移位分配臨時的變化將根據項目的需要和資歷進行. 所有的事情都是平等, 修改應在論資排輩的逆順序進行.

17.3 報告時間

該聯盟和地區同意,在學校工作有三個報告時間保管人 (3) 或兩個白天和中班更多的託管人應, 除非雙方都同意的部門及員工, 是在冬季和春季假期一樣,因為它是定期.

17.4 In-Year Vacations for Custodians

17.4.1 本區應提供高達 35 in-year vacations per year, 獨家在學生教學日曆的開始和結束的封鎖期的. “In-year,” as used herein shall mean the period between on or about October 1st and on or about May 15th of any school year.

17.4.2 Custodians may submit a written request for an in-year vacation.

17.4.3 只要區效率不受到不利影響, in-year vacation requests (如本文所描述) 經批准可.

17.4.4 批准將根據工齡區, 作為例外如提供用於以下; 在資歷關係將通過抽籤被打破.

17.4.5 After an eligible custodian has received an in-year vacation, 當考慮將來的請求,他們將下降到資歷列表的底部. If more in-year vacations are requested than can be granted, 如本文所考慮的, preference will be given to “most senior” custodians who have not previously been granted in-year vacation. “最高級”如本文所用, 應如下計算: 各區保管人, other than as-needed, 應區僱用日期的基礎上進行排名. 在上述排名的上半部分的託管人應被視為“最高級”。

17.4.6 儘管此處包含的任何其他規定, 不超過一 (1) eligible custodian at any job site may be on an in-year vacation at any given time.

17.4.7 此文件不應被解釋為消除在凹部保管休假.

17.4.8 保管休假一般不會在接下來的封鎖期批准:

一個. 學校的最後一天前兩週

b. 日期網站管理員到崗第一天教學後通過2週報告.

17.5 Annual Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year

17.5.1 Every year, all known open positions for the upcoming school year shall be filled using a bidding

process that includes three major steps:

一個. 通過網站建設的開孔名單,

b. 提交選擇, 和

C. 灌裝頭寸.

在過程中的每一步, Custodial management shall provide packets of written information to all

Custodial employees, which shall be made available in English, 中文, Spanish, and Tagalog.

Employees will be notified of their assignment for the upcoming school year before the end of the current

學年. 建築開口的列表 Every spring Custodial management shall post a list of open biddable positions available. The Bidding Packet shall include language to help employees understand some of the implications of participating.in the bidding process.


一個. Employees who receive their new assignment via the bidding process shall be giving up

their current year assignment.

b. Employees shall receive their choice in seniority order. 由總資歷輩分排序名單

Custodial management shall send the Seniority List of all Custodial employees upon request. List of Open (biddable) Positions

A position shall be considered open for bidding for the coming school year if:

a it is a new position;

b. the regularly scheduled employee has indicated that they are not planning to work in Custodial in the coming school year; 或

C. 還有在位置沒有定期的員工 (包括其被臨時分配員工在學年騰空,目前滿倉).

17.5.2 提交選擇

Custodial management shall provide all employees participating in the bidding process for the coming school year with a Bidding Form asking them to list their top choices and to return the Form within a two-week time frame. The Bidding Form shall include the name of the school and the hours for all positions. Each employee shall have the option of listing up to five choices in order of priority on the Bidding Form, 並可能包含他們的選擇一個自己的當前位置.

17.5.3 灌裝頭寸 Positions shall be filled based on Seniority, and Custodial management shall make every effort to assign all employees to their highest ranked choice.

17.5.32. Custodial management shall create a list of employees who have submitted a Bidding Form and sorted it in order from highest to lowest seniority. 如果員工有相同資歷日期, the last three digits of their social security number will be used as a tie-breaker with the three-digit number ranked the highest. The employee ranked highest on the list noted above shall be assigned to their highest ranked choice with an opening. Then the next person on the list shall be assigned to their highest ranked choice with an opening, and th.is process shall be repeated until every employee’s Bidding Form has been reviewed. Employees who are not assigned to one of their choices via the foregoing process shall remain in their current assignment. 本學年結束前, Custodial management shall notify all impacted employees of their new assignment. Custodial management shall provide copies of the following to the Union:

一個. packets of written information sent to Custodial employees;

b. a ranked list of employees who submitted a Bidding Form that is used to fill openings via the bidding process;

C. 誰沒有獲得通過投標過程中分配給他們的選擇一個員工列表;

d. 所有任務列表,從招投標過程中提供; 和

Ë. 每個工人的出價列表.

17.6 保管回收等職務

17. 6.1 在履行職責的正常過程保管人將處理和已預留回收課堂材料中去除; 然而, 在區位回收和堆肥計劃不得託管人的工作/責任(小號). 託管人將不能期待已放置在垃圾桶堆肥或回收利用項目進行排序.

17.7 Transporting of Furniture

凡可以安全地執行, 託管人可以在學校的樓層換房間家具, 只要他們提供相應的設備. 當家具需要樓層之間移動, 樓與樓之間, 或者保管人沒有培訓或設備安全地執行工作, a work order shall be placed by the supervisor to have warehouse workers perform the work.

17.8 石棉安全

The District shall comply with the annual training requirements provided for in Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1987 and Cal-OSHA Hazardous Communications.

17.9 保管工作 - 監督 & 職責

當在任何學校網站託管在同一時間接收服務的多個或相互矛盾的要求, 託管人可要求有關如何從網站管理員或指定人員進行方向. 如果網站管理員或指定不可用, 託管人將從保管監請求方向.

17.9.1 託管人將不需要加載或卸載任何區員工的個人物品. 保管人不得要求清理天窗或外窗. 沒有託管人應當被要求在任何工作梯 12 腳.

17.9.2 監護職責替補

如果部門是無法覆蓋缺席託管人的整個移, 保管主管會給予書面縮寫, 優先適用於該將被執行的小時數運行. 該部門將保持這些縮寫運行的文件,以供參考,高效的服務,使他們可以通過聯盟檢查.

17.10 工作按照申請許可證

當一個託管人根據工作的設施使用許可證的轉變, during the regular Monday through Friday workweek, 該託管人的主要任務將是服務許可活動的需求. 額外分配可以提供給託管人,只要他們不干擾到許可證持有人提供服務.

When the SFUSD Real Estate office approves a permit assigned to a school site for either a school or an outside event/function, the assigned site custodian shall not be unreasonably burdened with extra work created by the event described in the permit.

In the event that custodial management determines that additional custodial work will be necessary due to the permit, overtime may be offered based on seniority.

Said additional work shall be first offered as overtime for sector custodians. This overtime shall be assigned via the sector seniority outlined in this agreement. Overtime opportunities will be offered to the sector custodians based on the sector overtime wheel. The corresponding sector Supervisor or Assistant Supervisor shall cover this work if all sector custodians decline the work.

If additional support is not available, the custodian shall adjust their daily duties to complete critical health and safety tasks and attend to the highest needs of the site as determined by custodial management.

17.10.1 當一個託管人根據工作的設施使用許可證的轉變, the primary job of that custodian shall be to serve the needs of the permitted activity. Additional assignments may be given to the custodian so long as those activities do not interfere with providing service to the permit holder.

17.11 Custodial SupervisorsWorkspaces

17.11.1 該地區應提供, through custodial services, one reporting site for both the custodial supervisor and assistant supervisor in each sector. This site can be located at either Toland or at a District site within their sector.

17.11.2 The District shall provide a current model desktop or laptop with wifi capabilities as well as a printer to be used during the working day at all custodial supervisor & assistant supervisor work locations.

17.12 Overtime Procedures

Once overtime is assigned by the manager/ management to the supervisor(小號), the supervisor(小號) shall assign overtime to employee(小號) in their respective sector(小號) (based on rotating seniority). The employee(小號) shall work the overtime and then fill out the prescribed form (which may be either digital or hardcopy). The employee shall then submit (in digital or hardcopy) the overtime form within the same pay period worked to their supervisor. In the event a supervisor does not collect forms in a timely manner, the employee has the right to deliver the form personally to the custodial services office. 監督員(小號) shall then approve the overtime and submit (in digital or hardcopy) the form(小號) to the manager for approval and processing. The overtime shall be paid within the same pay period but no later than two (2) pay periods from when the overtime was completed.

17.13 手冊

羈押手冊中的各項規定,不得違背本協議的期限表示. 該區將轉發手冊,以便聯盟副本提前為其反應和輸入. Should the District not update the custodial handbook in a timely manner, the terms of this contract shall supersede the version of the handbook currently in use.
