
文章 18 – 學生營養服務

18.0 學生營養服務

18.1 分配

以小時或學生營養服務員工站點分配的任何更改將根據項目的需要和資歷. 所有的事情都是平等, 資歷將是決定因素.

18.2 Bidding Process for Upcoming Semester (Sprmg, Summer, and Fall). For the purposes of bidding under this Article, Summer is considered a semester.

每年春天, summer, and fall, all known open positions for the upcoming semester will be filled using a bidding process that includes three major steps:

一個. 通過網站建設的開孔名單,

b. 提交選擇, 和

C. Filling Open Positions based on seniority.

d. TEX will be allowed to bid at the end of the m1tial bidding cycle on any remaining open positions and will be allowed to be in that position until the next bidding cycle. 注意: TEX will not have permanent rights to this position.

在過程中的每一步, Student Nutrition Services will provide packets of written information to SNS employees, 這將提供英文版本, 中文, 和西班牙語. 員工將他們為即將到來的學年作業的學年結束前通知.

18.2.1 建築開口的列表 Every semester SNS will send a Bidding Survey to all Permanent Civil Service (PCS) SNS employees asking them to indicate their plans for the coming school year and to return it within a two-week time frame. SNS的員工會用招標調查表明是否:

一個. will not be participating in the bidding process because they would like to stay in their current position for the upcoming semester;

b. want to move to a different position via the bidding process for the upcoming semester; 或

C. are not planning to work in SNS in the upcoming semester and whose current position added to the list of openings for the bidding process.

d. TEX will be allowed to bid at the end of the initial bidding cycle on any remaining open positions and will be allowed to be in that position until the next bidding cycle. 注意: TEX will not have permanent rights to this position. 投標調查將包括語言,幫助員工了解一些參與投標過程的含義.


一個. There is no guarantee that everyone will get one of their choices.

b. 具有較高資歷的員工更有可能獲得他們的選擇比一個員工以較低的資歷.

C. Employees must submit the request form on time to be considered for the bidding process.

d. How seniority is determined. When a position has a change in hours

員工在定期崗位工作,將經驗,為下一學年以小時為單位的變化也將接收描述來年的變化附表變更表的通知, and they will be asked to fill out the form and return it to SNS management with the same two-week time frame as the Bidding Survey. 通過完成日程變更表SNS員工的通告將說明是否:

(一個) 有意保持與新的時間在未來一年的當前位置, 或

(b) 想加入到來年開口的列表中選擇新的時間位置,因為他們想通過招標過程中移動到不同的位置. 由總資歷輩分排序名單

SNS管理也將發送所有SNS員工的資歷名單. 具有較高資歷的員工會更容易得到他們的選擇比一個員工以較低的資歷, 所以審查的排行名單將幫助員工了解,他們將被定位在招標過程. Employees who have any questions about their place on the Seniority List can follow-up with Human Resources. 如果資歷列表中發現錯誤, 完成投標前一個新的列表將被發送給員工. TEX employees will be allowed to bid at the end of the initial bidding cycle for permanent employees on any remaining open positions and will be allowed to be in that position until the next bidding cycle. 注意: TEX will not have permanent rights to this position. 招標目錄的創建

SNS management will compile all the responses from the Bidding Survey and Notice of Schedule Change Form to create a list for the upcoming semester. Open positions will be identified as such on the bidding list if they are located at a Refresh site/ cooking kitchen (Middle/High school) or Heat & Serve site (Elementary, :Middle, or High schools) location, or the position includes benefits. A position will be considered open for the upcoming semester if:

(一個) 這是一個新的位置;

(b) the regularly scheduled employee has indicated that they are not planning to work m SNS or;

(C) there is no regularly scheduled PCS employee in the position and/ or the position is filled by a TEX employee.

(d) the position has been assigned on a temporary basis outside the semester bidding process according

至 18.4. Bidding Orientation

SNS management in partnership with the Union will host a voluntary Bidding Orientation Session(小號) for any interested employees to learn about the bidding process. The Bidding Orientation will review:

一個. bidding process

b. how bidding process works including

1. how to review the list of open positions

2. how to submit Bidding Survey

3. PCS seniority process

18.2.2 提交選擇 SNS management will provide all employees participating in the bidding process for the upcoming semester with the Bidding Form asking them to list their top choices and return it within a two-week time frame. 開幕投標形式將包括學校的名稱,所有職位的小時. Each employee will have the option of listing up to five choices in order of priority on the Bidding Form, 並可能包含他們的選擇一個自己的當前位置.

18.2.3 灌裝頭寸 Positions will be filled based first on PCS Seniority by PCS employees who bid, and then any remaining positions to be filled by newly-hired PCS employees and then will be offered to TEX who may bid in order based on their date of hire, 和SNS管理將盡一切努力來分配所有員工的最高排名的選擇.

一個. The Union will designate a minimum of two (2) people who will act as observers of process SNS management will create a list of employees who submitted the Bidding Form and sorted it in order from highest to lowest seniority. 如果員工有相同資歷日期, the last three digits of their social security number will be used as a tie-breaker with the largest three-digit number ranked the highest. 排名最高的名單上的員工上面提到將被分配到他們的排名最高的選擇有開口. 然後,名單上的下一個人將被分配到他們的排名最高的選擇有開口, and this process will be repeated until every employee’s Bidding Form has been reviewed. 誰不通過上述處理分配給他們的選擇之一的員工將根據資歷和接近家庭被分配到未填充的開口. 排名最高的資歷名單上的員工將被分配到未填充的位置最接近他們的家庭住址. 下一個輩分最高的員工將被分配到未填充的位置最接近自己的家, 這個過程會被重複,直到所有開口被填充. Before the end of the current semester SNS management will mail assignments for the upcoming school year to all employees, 並且將直接與SNS員工的工作,探討如何解決他們的任務有任何疑問. SNS管理將提供以下的聯盟副本:

一個. 書面信息包發送到SNS的員工;

b. a ranked list of employees who submitted and Openings and Bidding Form that is used to fill openings via the bidding process;

C. 誰沒有獲得通過投標過程中分配給他們的選擇一個員工列表;

d. 所有任務列表,從招投標過程中提供; 和

Ë. 每個工人的出價列表.

18.3 員工將收到通知夏天分配至少10 (10) 夏季服務開始前的工作日.

18.3.1 Positions will be awarded based on seniority in a classification. If there are any 2616 positions remaining, 2615 employees will be allowed to fill those positions based on their seniority in the 2615 classification as long as they meet the minimum qualifications for the 2616 位置.

18.4 Filling Openings Outside the Semester Bidding Process.

18.4.1 如果一個永久位置在學年打開, the opening will be considered a temporary assignment and will be considered an open position during the next Bidding Process in

18.4.2 如果加班時間在學年期間加入到一個位置,在該位置的員工不希望加班時間, the additional hours will be filled as a temporary assignment and will be considered an open position during the next Bidding Process in in the upcoming semester.

18.5 臨時任務

Subject to the needs of SNS management as determined by the Director of SNS, 在分配任何臨時變更應根據工齡, with the temporary change of assignment, offered to.PCS in seniority order. 上述分配將以書面形式給該僱員和工會, 並應包括起始和結束日期.

18.6 急救站點覆蓋率

SNS will designate between 5-10 regularly assigned employees who will receive training to provide emergency site coverage, 包括擴張計劃,如在課堂早餐, 移動推車, 售貨機, 散裝服務, 等等. 這些員工將獲得相同的時間作為他們的常規任務, 除非緊急轉移被覆蓋是一個更長的移位. 一個 2615 學生員工涵蓋了鉛 2616 學生營養僱員將收到淘汰類工資. 一個 2616 覆蓋了 2616 將收到一個固定工資的一半時間.

18.7 訪問手機

Employees in all work locations shall be provided reasonable access to a land-line or mobile telephone or comparable means of communication for the conduct of District business, 包括文字或圖片信息的交換,如果需要由監管, 並在緊急情況下使用. 這種用法不得與部門業務的交易干擾.

18.8 護理和食堂清洗

SNS工人負責食堂的飯菜都對學生的關心和清潔服務. 保養和清洗包括擦拭餐廳家具和椅子, cleaning of student food sharing tables, disposing of leftover milk, 保持在牆壁上的海報和標誌, 冷卻器等製備設備和地區的清潔, 和維護任何垃圾櫃.

這些職責包括早餐, 午餐和晚餐的方案.

These duties do not include taking out trash bins, 清潔地板, 牆壁, 或窗口, 除了在廚房或製備區域. SNS工人不會被預期已放置在垃圾桶堆肥或回收利用項目進行排序.


18.9 Work During a Split Shift or At Multiple Sites

18.9.1 SNS workers with a split shift shall be entitled to a duty-free unpaid nonworking period. If an SNS worker is asked by their immediate supervisor to work during a duty-free, 未付, 非工作期間, 他們將支付在十五最小增量實際上所有工作時間 (15) 分鐘.

當SNS工人通過自己的頂頭上司要求覆蓋在一天多的工作場所分割班次, SNS將計算站點和員工之間的旅行時間在他們的工資正常率將支付的旅行時間.

18.9.2 SNS employees whose position requires them to travel between sites during a work shift shall have their time spent in transit considered part of their work hours.

18.9.3 Employees travel expenses, either using personal vehicles or public transportation, when traveling to multiple work locations as part of their assigned dues will be reimbursed.

18.10 在職者的薪酬沒有損失

“在分類新任”包括任何員工在任何受影響的分類工作, 不論其狀態 - 例如, 臨時, 需要服務, 等等. - 七月八日或之後 1, 2010. 這一規定的效果是任何員工誰這麼資格將被放置在在重新僱傭新的較低的步驟.

無在職人員, 如本文所定義, will lose pay as a result of the reorganization and will be placed at that step in the new step system which is at least equal to their present salary.

Any “incumbent” as described in this section currently paid above the top step of the classification shall be grand-parented into their current salary level and shall suffer no reduction in salary as a result of implementation of this reorganization.

18.11 出於對學校午餐室助手類收費的指派負責

如果一個 2615 學校小吃店助手被分配到填充 2616 導致學生營養工作者開放,因為沒有足夠的2616對填寫的所有鉛開口, 的 2615 小吃店助手的薪水將被調整為包括淘汰類支付他們的任務期間,在發揮領導作用. 該地區應提供分類 2615 當分配的“主管”在衛星位置的工資調整在薪金時間表是兩個檔次以上對於類工資時間表等效薪水步驟 2615. If an SNS employee is assigned to a higher classification, that employee shall be paid 5% out of class pay from the fast day they are in the assignment.

18.12 In-Year Vacations for School-Term SNS Employees

18.12.1 The District may provide In-Year vacations for up to thirty-five (35) school-term employees per year as long as the operational needs of the district are not negatively impacted. 這種休假可能是這兩個過程中採取 (2) 之前開始週, 和前八 (8) 學生教學年的週.

18.12.2 SNS employees shall submit a written request on a district form for an in-year vacation to their immediate supervisor at least two (2) 請休假日期前個星期.

18.12.3 In-year vacation request may be approved so long as the operational needs of the District are not adversely affected.

18.12.4 批准將根據區資歷符合第 18.12.5 下面. 在資歷領帶將通過社會安全號碼的最後三位數被打破.

18.12.5 After an eligible SNS employee has received an in-year vacation, 如果該學年以後的請求被提交,他/她將下降到資歷列表的底部.

18.12.6 不超過一個 (1) eligible SNS employee at any job site may be on an in-year vacation at any given time.

18.12.7 此文件不應被解釋為消除在凹部SNS僱員休假.

18.12.8 School-term SNS employees who work a summer assignment that does not allow for a break of at least ten (10) 暑假作業的結束和學生的教學年度開始之間的工作日可在停電期間申請休假的定義 18.12.1

18.13 培訓和專業發展

18.13.1 外部培訓

所需工具和烹飪藝術課程將報銷了依據第學費報銷基金的材料 10.7 本協議.

18.13.2 內部培訓

SNS將作出持續的和協調一致的努力,在品種工人在同類履行職責的培訓員工. 這些努力包括在不同的網站,並與多種方案培訓和工作經驗.

18.14 暑期作業

分配員工工作在夏季應接受, 對按比例計算, 不小於補償,並且在常規學年適用於夏季轉讓或服務分類的好處少.
