
文章 28 – 試用期

28.0 試用期

28.1 所有長期任用的任期六個月的試用期. This period shall be calculated as six (6) 出租之日起個月, 並排除任何時間休息休假, 假期, 其他類型的時間關 (不包括法定節假日), 或加班. 其他異常包括:

一個. Employees who move from a part-time to a full-time position within a classification shall be subject to a three (3) month probationary period in the full-time position;

b. Employees who move to a new department in the same class or former class shall serve a three (3) 一個月的試用期;

28.1.1 An employee who is appointed to a permanent position shall have their probationary period reduced by the time served by that employee in the same classification in the same department, but all such probationary periods shall not exceed 45 天.

28.1.2 當員工恢復到永久位置的前級在除了試用期已經完成,該部門以外的部門 (前類) 勞動者應當一舉三得 (3) 試用幾個月時間.

28.1.3 一個六 (6) month probation shall be required following promotion to a higher classification.

28.1.4 當在另一個部門永久轉讓給同一類僱員的地位變化, 通過殘疾轉移, 減少部隊由於技術的進步, 自動化或新設備安裝, 勞動者應當一舉三得 (3) 個月的試用期時間.

28.1.5 當員工返回永久性以下裁員, 非自願休假或辭職不是一個左其他類或部門, 勞動者應當一舉三得 (3) 試用幾個月時間.

28.1.6 A current regularly scheduled provisional employee who receives a permanent appointment in his or her class in another department shall have their probationary period reduced by the time served by that employee in the same classification, but all such probationary periods shall not exceed three (3) 個月.

28.1.7 試用期可以通過雙方同意可以展期, 書面, 聯盟和區之間,. During the extended probationary period, a performance review between the employee and their supervisor shall be scheduled half way through the extended probation period in order to determine areas of concern, (如果適用).

28.1.8 誰被授予許可而服務試用期,以完成所要求的服務期須有這樣的試用期通過這種假的期限延長僱員. 殘疾休假應在所有情況下,延長試用期.
