文章 03 – 非歧視
3.0 Non Discrimination
3.0.1 員工不得對抗,因為實際的或想像的種族被歧視, 宗教信仰, 顏色, 國籍, 祖先, 年齡, 婚姻狀況, 國內的合作夥伴地位, 懷孕, 身體或精神殘疾, 醫療條件, 遺傳信息, HIV/AIDS status, 軍事或退伍軍人身份, 性別或性別認同, 性別表達, 性別或性傾向, 種族, 政治派別, 與員工機構的證明, or other non-merit/non-job related factors provided the individual’s ability to perform the task is not impaired thereby. No employee shall be subject to harassment, including sexual harassment.
禁止性別歧視包括基於員工或求職者的懷孕歧視, 分娩, 哺乳, 或任何相關的醫療條件.
3.0.2 Neither SFUSD nor the Union shall interfere with, intimidate, retaliate, restrain, coerce, or discriminate against any employee because of the exercise of the employee’s rights granted pursuant to this Agreement. No employees seeking promotion, reassignment, or transfer shall in any way be discriminated against because of their Union activities.
3.0.3 該地區還禁止在補償歧視, 條款, 條件, 就業和其他特權和任何不利就業行動的回吐, 包含, 但不限於, 終止或就業的否定, 提升, 分配工作, 或培訓, 針對基於全部或任何上面列出的類別的一部分的僱員或求職者.
3.0.4 任何員工誰相信他們或其他員工已經受到歧視,應立即將此事報告給任何下列人員和/或辦事處:
- 員工的直接上司;
- 區人力資源部
- (Director of Employee Relations or Head Administrative Officer)
- 區的勞資關係部 (Head of Labor Relations)
- 股權的區辦公室 (導向器)
3.0.5 該區將立即提供與聯盟投訴的通知,以便及時調查. In a meeting where management is investigating a formal complaint made by an employee, the employee making the complaint has the right to have a shop steward or union representative present in the meeting. If the shop steward is a witness to the complaint, another union representative shall be assigned to represent the employee. The District will conduct an investigation and provide a report of findings and action as quickly as possible. 員工不得遭到報復了如上定義報告或提交歧視投訴.
3.0.6 對其他可能, 歧視的投訴將在雙方的聯盟和區嚴格保密. 對員工的紀律處分發現有違反本條款可能包括適合於證明不當行為的嚴重性和自然漸進的紀律. If a complaint alleges discrimination by a non-District employee, 臨時措施和/或最終糾正措施加以考慮, 所設想的行政法規, 應包括排除了這種人(小號) 從與投訴和/或他們的工作場所接觸.
3.0.7 區和歐盟同意本條應在管理和執行所有相關的委員會一貫政策, 行政法規, 和有關法規.
3.1 Reasonable Accommodation ADA
3.1.1 The Parties agree that they are required to provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities in order to comply with all applicable laws and board policies.
3.1.2 An employee may request reasonable accommodation. During the process, an employee has the right, 根據要求, to Union representation.
3.1.3 When an employee requests a reasonable accommodation, the appropriate District designee shall meet with the employee and, 在該僱員的請求, with the employee’s Union representative as soon as practicable to commence the interactive process.
3.1.4 The District shall meet and confer with the Union upon request.
3.1.5 If no reasonable accommodation in the current assignment is offered, Employer should make every reasonable effort to provide a modified work duty assignment.
3.1.6 The ADA process is not subject to the grievance procedure as outlined in Article 25.