文章 31 – Discipline and Dismissal of Unit Members
31.0 紀律和永久會員單位解僱
Discipline and dismissal of permanent unit members shall take place in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Education Code. 單元構件可以處分以下原因:
1. 故意或過失違反區政策, 法規或者規則和聯邦法規, 國家或地方政府機構,其適用於公立學校.
2. 未能充分履行該職位的職責持有和/或未能維持執照或資格證書根據法律規定. 區要求, 或職位描述.
3. 不道德或不專業行為.
4. 不誠實.
5. 重罪任何犯罪或定罪涉及非法使用, 擁有或意圖分發受控物質這將是法律的加州違反, 或任何罪行涉及道德敗壞.
6. 藏, 或攝入, 或醇的影響下被, 或一個受控物質 (包括處方藥,其中未報告) 這可能會影響員工或其他人區財產的安全或同時為區執行服務.
7. 顯然不適宜用於兒童服務.
8. 身體上或精神上無行為能力,以在工作中充分執行.
31.1 紀律處分準則
一個. 區的規則, 法規和政策應當合理,關係到地區的高效運作.
b. 規則, 訂單和懲罰應公正和公平地應用.
C. Disciplinary action should be appropriate and reasonably related to the nature of the offense.
31.1.1 應利用逐行紀律除了行為是這樣的性質以漸進紀律通常不會帶來糾正行為或行為的是如此惡劣的是立即採取行動是必要的. 漸進式的紀律的元素應及時給予.
31.1.2 最初的直接主管應發出口頭譴責之前討論的單位成員的行為或疏忽.
31.1.3 頂頭上司將提供通信的跟進書面通知上述單元體 (例如, 電子郵件) 確認口頭譴責. 這種溝通不應放置在員工的人事檔案,除非是後來安裝的書面譴責或中止的通知,本條闡述.
31.1.4 如果一個口頭譴責不會導致糾正行為, 書面訓斥,可發出.
31.1.5 如果無薪暫停時建議紀律處分,應當以書面訓斥前面. 其中行為是這樣的性質以書面斥責,通常不會導致糾正行為或者出現了第一次書面申斥後無改善的可能會出現異常.
31.1.6 Any initial suspension of a unit member pending a disciplinary hearing shall be with pay.The member and their representative shall not unreasonably delay the date of the hearing.
31.1.7 Emergency Suspension – The Union and the District recognize that emergency situations can occur involving the health and welfare of students, 僱員, 或公眾.
31.1.8 如果上述單元體的存在會導致燃眉追擊的生活, 安全, 還是學生的健康, 僱員, 或公眾, 區可以告知的原因,上述單元部件暫停後立即暫停無薪成員單位.
31.1.9 在三 (3) 工作日, 區根據章節所述應舉行一次非正式聽證
31.2.1 並服務於員工的右紀律及注意事項的書面通知,正式聽證依照本條.
31.1.10 如果, 因為無論是正式或非正式聽證會的結果, 該懸浮液被發現無端或不當的長度, 機組成員應報銷相應的欠薪.
31.1.11 Employees have the right to Union Representation at any meeting. The Employee reasonably believes may lead to discipline. Upon such request an Employee must be represented.
31.2 紀律處分程序
31.2.1 非正式聽證
經雙方協議, 針對誰被建議紀律處分勞動者可以與總監或其指派之前的官方收費書面通知符合. 員工應口頭的原因,紀律處分和動作被告知要採取並給予回應的機會. The employee may be represented at the meeting by a representative of their choice.
31.2.2 如果在非正式聽證沒有達成協議區會給出一個正確的官方收費和通知以書面形式通知正式聽證.
31.2.3 書面通知
當區尋求任何紀律處分的徵收, notice of such discipline shall be
made in writing and served in person or by registered or certified mail to the employee at the last known
address. A copy of the notice shall be mailed to the Union at the same time unless the employee requests
31.2.4 收費的聲明
A statement of the specific charges against the employee shall be written in ordinary and concise
language, 應包括原因和具體的作為與不作為, 包括倍, 日期, 和位置,
31.2.5 No disciplinary action shall be taken for any cause which arose more than two (2) years preceding
the date of the filing of the notice of cause, unless such cause was concealed or not disclosed by such
employee when it could be reasonably assumed that the employee should have disclosed the facts to the
31.2.6 僱員可, 根據要求, 有在該收費是根據材料的複印件,
subject to confidentiality and privacy rights to the extent required by law.
31.2.7 右鍵聽證
The Unit member may request a hearing in writing either by 電子郵件, United States Postal Service (USPS)
mail or personal delivery within five (5) 收費的聲明售後服務個工作日. 在裡面
absence of a request for a hearing within the five (5) 工作日, the disciplinary action shall be effective
without a hearing on the date set forth in the written notice.
31.2.8 如果, 請求聽證會後, 僱員不出現聽力, the disciplinary action
shall be effective without a hearing on the date set forth in the written notice.
31.3 Skelly Rights
An employee subject to suspension for five or more days or discharge, shall be entitled, prior to the imposition of that discipline or discharge, to a right to respond, and to the following:
一個. b. A notice of the proposed action; 和
The reasons for the proposed discipline; 和
C. d. A copy of the charges and the materials upon which the action is based; 和
The right to respond, either orally or in writing., to allegations. Skelly meetings shall be presided over by a management representative who is not directly connected to the investigation or resulting discipline.
31.3.1 該僱員可以在聽力可以通過選擇的代表來表示.
31.3.2 總監或指定人應給予十日內決定書 (10) 工作日.
31.3.3 The decision of the Superintendent or designee shall be submitted to the governing board for action unless the matter is grieved.
31.3.4 A grievance challenging the decision of the Superintendent or designee following : the Skelly meeting may be filed directly at Step Three under Article 25 – 申訴程序.
31.5 見習分類員工發布
試用工被排除在學科條的規定. 在之前的試用期屆滿的任何時間, 區可, 在其自由裁量權, 發布試用員工.