文章 05 – 薪酬福利與健康 & 福利
5.0 薪酬福利與健康 & 福利
The salary schedule hourly base rates in effect as of June 30, 2020 shall be adjusted during the term of
this agreement in the following manner:
一個. 6% 增加有效七月 1, 2022
b. 10% 增加有效七月 1, 2023
C. 此外, the parties shall have a contract reopener for 2024-2025 to negotiate changes to this
文章, up to two other Articles that either party wishes to propose, and any outstanding issues
from the Side Letter on Labor-Management Committee work for 2023-2024.
5.0.1 一次性支付
關於批准由雙方, each member of the SEIU bargaining unit will receive a one-time lump
sum payment of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500), which will serve to make whole its members for payroll
errors, including penalties referenced in Article 5.8, 文章 41 in its entirety, and the June 22, 2022 MOU
regarding payroll errors. SEIU agrees that this lump sum payment will recompense its members for any
payroll errors and its acceptance will nullify any MOU regarding such payroll errors.
5.0.2 工資調整計劃 7月生效 1, 2017, 類 7450 will be adjusted to the salary schedule equivalent to one grade
above the schedule for class 1930, 從 $25.0125 (步 1) 至 $30.2611 (步 5). 7月生效 1, 2017, 類 2585 will be adjusted to the salary schedule equivalent to one grade
below the schedule for class 2586, 從 $22.5540 (步 1) 至 $27.2741 (步 5). 此前七月 1, 2018, classifications that had no incumbents in previous contracts and were left
out of salary schedule adjustments will be corrected to include those adjustments. Establish a committee made up of representation from SEIU and the District to examine the
- 基於服務的餐數分配人員編制
- 對於類似職位可比薪金所得在類似的雇主名單雙方商定的. 7月生效 1, 2022, 一 (1) step will be added to the 2616 classification as follows:
- Step 6 will be added effective July 1, 2022
- Step 7 will be added effective July 1, 2023
- Step 8 will be added effective July 1, 2024
The rate of pay for steps six (6) through eight (8) will reflect a 3% increase above the preceding step. Current employees with more than five years of service will be placed at the step commensurate with their length of service effective the year when that step is available. For instance, an employee who has been on step 5 since the 2020-2021 school year will be placed on step 7 for the 2023-24 學年, then step 8 for the 2024-25 學年.
5.1 長壽保費
Eligible unit members shall receive a thirty (30) 每小時溢價美分長壽付出. 資格說長壽的薪酬應是單位成員:
5.1.1 十 (10) 以上但不足十五 (15) 連續多年的經驗區, 或十個以上但不足十五的任意組合 (15) 多年來在服務區和任何其他分類包括在舊金山的公務員制度.
5.1.2 7月生效 1, 2017, eligible unit members will receive a sixty (60) 每小時溢價美分長壽付出. 獲此速度長壽薪酬應當向那些單位成員進行: 十五 (15) 以上連續多年在區服務, 或15的任何組合 (15) 多年來在服務區和任何其他分類包括在舊金山的公務員制度. 本規定實施前瞻性7月生效 1, 2018.
5.1.3 7月生效 1, 2018 employees with an assignment of less than four (4) 每天小時應節資格 5.1.1 和 5.1.2.
5.2 退休貢獻
5.2.1 有效 7/1/2011, represented employees agree to pay their own employee retirement contribution in an amount equal to seven and one-half percent (7.5%) 覆蓋工資總額按照市憲章. For employees who became members of SFERS prior to November 2, 1976 (憲章第A8.509其他計劃), the unit member shall also pick up the remaining one-half percent (0.5%) 總百分之八 (8%) 到SFERS員工退休貢獻.
5.2.2 換來了單元構件拾取的向上 7.5% 員工退休貢獻, 區同意一個 6.12% 調整薪酬計劃對於那些會員單位誰也退休制度的成員. 對於單位會員誰之前,11月開始SFERS成員 2, 1976 並有員工貢獻 8% 區同意的調整的工資時間表 6.62%, 除了誰當選都減少貢獻的成員,應僅在相等於的百分數貢獻收到調整.
5.2.3 These member contributions shall be made on a pre-tax basis consistent with the Internal Revenue Code and implementing regulations.
5.2.4 Unit members who become eligible for membership in the retirement system during the term of this agreement shall be moved to the salary schedule that has been adjusted to reflect the unit member pick-up of 7.5% 員工退休貢獻, 追溯入境之日起退休制度.
5.2.5 To the extent authorized by State law, 經市的退休委員會關於累積病假退休目的的計入規則的改變將在這裡通過引用結合.
5.2.6 提前退休
如果符合條件的, the District shall participate in any applicable retirement program if the program is implemented in the City and County of San Francisco pursuant to Charter Section A8.401-7.3.
5.3 對健康的益處
1月生效 1, 2014, the District shall increase its dependent health care contribution to an amount equal to the Health Services Systems (HSS)-established 75% 可通過HSS公式/最低的健康保險計劃的覆蓋率的計算在家庭利率水平.
5.3.1 醫療保險覆蓋面
每年一月 1, all permanent and regularly scheduled provisional/temporary employees working twenty (20) 或以上,但少於三十 (30) 每週幾小時, or as-needed employees who have worked intermittently on average twenty (20) 或以上,但少於三十 (30) 十二內每週小時 (12) 個月內, measured from July 1st 到六月 30, 有資格獲得醫療福利 (健康, 視力, 牙齒) 通過衛生服務體系.
另外, every January 1, 定期安排臨時/臨時僱員的工作至少三十 (30) hours a week within a twelve (12) 個月內, measured from July 1 到六月 30, 有資格的員工, and if applicable dependent, medical benefits (健康, 視力, 牙齒). Eligibility will be determined on a year-to-year basis for qualifying employees. Each eligible employee will select a health plan from those currently offered to employees through Health Services Systems of San Francisco (HSS), 除非僱員希望從覆蓋豁免. 永久豁免成員單位工作不到四年 (4) 元/20天小時 (20) 每週幾小時, 有權的下列醫療保險選項之一, 由區確定.
- A區溢價貢獻等於 75% of the employee-only Kaiser premium for those who enroll in an HSS medical insurance plan and who agree to pay the remaining 25% 保費,
- Coverage under an option offered by the City as a result of an Ordinance it may enact requiring agencies receiving City funds to either provide employees with some type of medical insurance coverage or participate in one of the coverage options contained in said Ordinance. 該地區應提供 100% 員工只有凱撒高級覆蓋率在學生營養計劃永久豁免工人. The District agrees to continue to pay the increased costs of the employer portion of the medical benefits, 由衛生服務體系每年都通過被稱為一個過程定義 10 全縣平均. 區附加福利貢獻
The District shall contribute the Health Service System-negotiated share per pay period for single party coverage for those employees enrolled in the most expensive plan. Retiree Health Benefits:
Bargaining Unit members shall be eligible for retiree health, dental and welfare benefits according to the terms of the pension plan.
5.4 牙齒
三角洲牙科保健計劃 #652 是供誰擁有公務員分類和資格的醫療保險覆蓋面的學區員工.
The parties agree to move discussion of changes to dental benefits coverage to the Side Letter on Labor-Management Committee Work for the 2023-2024 School Year passes on 10.16.2023
The District shall provide dental coverage in the amount of $2,000 對於那些誰選擇三角洲牙齒首選牙醫選項. 這些誰不選擇三角洲牙齒首選牙醫選項應繼續接受 $1,500 在覆蓋範圍.
5.4.1 三角洲矯正覆蓋
The District shall provide orthodontia up to $750 lifetime for each bargaining unit member and each of their covered dependent小號 as soon as administratively available.
5.4.2 Details of the benefits and contribution for rates of each plan are available from the Health Service System office or at SFUSD Benefits office.
5.4.3 退休牙醫
退休後區將延伸到退休職工的選項在組COBRA率高達18到購買牙科保險 (18) 個月. 這項保險將是積極的員工覆蓋率的繼續,是提供給現有的員工相同的覆蓋範圍.
5.5 附加保險保障範圍
5.5.1 長期傷殘保險
該地區應提供所有正式員工與繳足收入保障計劃, 其中應病假或其它休假規定整合, 在員工的選擇.
5.5.2 團體壽險和意外身故及殘疾保障
該地區應提供永久會員單位繳足團體壽險和意外傷殘政策提供 $25,000 水平長期保險,直到就業退休或離職, 有更多的 $25,000 意外死亡保險金. 對員工的死亡家庭護理
在與市,縣的衛生服務系統的資格規定結合, the District will contact and provide next-of-kin with benefit continuation information. 已故僱員的倖存者1月之前聘請 8, 2009 應接受待該衛生服務體系的最終批准遺屬津貼等於終身退休人員的福利. 已故僱員的倖存者一月後聘請 9, 2009 沒有資格按照衛生服務體系的資格規定遺屬撫卹金. 然而, 他們有資格為多達18個COBRA福利 (18) 員工的積極報導後失去個月, 並且將由區的優勢團隊關於此過程中接觸.
5.5.3 連續服務和凹槽 (臨時僱員) 冬天, 彈簧, 秋季 (感恩) 凹槽不代表這篇文章下的利益為排位賽的目的,臨時僱員連續服務中斷.
5.5.4 Workers’ Compensation Workers’ Compensation benefits shall be integrated with sick leave or other leave provisions at the option of the employee. 說福利不得超過 100% 員工正常的工資的. 不得有更新換代的速度加快的病假福利方面可能已經被用於此目的. 只要有可能的區將提供光或修改的職責任務. Medical appointments related to a worker’s compensation claim scheduled during work time shall be at no loss of pay.
5.5.5 區支付附帶福利雖然無薪休假
此外, the District will continue payment of all employer contributions for employee health and dental benefits for an employee on a holdover list during the time period that the employee verifies that they do not have alternative health care coverage. The verification process shall be established by the Department of Human Resources and the Union.
當保護和帶薪休假到期, 和 12 另外星期過去了, 該區將停止支付這些雇主供款.
受保護的樹葉被定義為批准病假, 工人補償休假, 家庭照顧假, 或者行政強制休假.
員工的家庭照料休假期滿之後, 員工可以請求因困難事假 (根據人力資源處的程序).
5.5.6 國家殘疾人 Employees on State Disability may choose to have their sick leave benefits integrated with their disability payment by informing the Leaves and Separations Unit in the Human Resources Department. 該規定出台在OASIS每學期,並在每個工地上的就業信息張貼板.
5.6 員工援助計劃 (EAP)
5.6.1 藥物和/或酒精依賴 - 通過員工援助計劃 (EAP) 員工可能會收到信息, 簡短的治療, 和轉診藥物依賴和其他個人問題,可能會影響個人的工作或私人生活.
5.6.2 有藥物依賴問題員工應被允許使用病假 (或無薪), 假期, 和/or compensatory time to access the EAP and other treatment services. 如果有員工的能力處理服務要求相衝突,以履行自己的職責分配, 因此它們必須關閉工作延長的時間週期, 員工和治療服務必須, upon the employee’s return to work, provide the District with verification that the employee successfully completed the program as directed.
5.7 支付保費和額外補償
除了提供 5.0, 下面繳納保費和額外的補償標準規定應在本協議有效期內生效.
5.7.1 雙語交付保險費
每個會計年度, 監督, 或指定人, 應指定有資格的雙語工資溢價區位置. 這需要編譯或解釋,或從一門外語包括聽力障礙者和盲文為視障人士用手語位置應指定資格雙語工資溢價. 符合標準的溢價能力的職工都能領到一個 $75 每付款期保費. Once an employee is identified as qualified for Bilingual Pay, the designation will carry forward to the next school year. If a job is posted as non-bilingual, and the administrator assigns an employee bilingual duties on an ongoing basis as part of the job, the employee shall be paid at a bilingual premium. 為了符合指定接收雙語溢價, a position must be required to provide non-English services, 包括盲文和手語, for at least twenty-five percent (25%) 一份穩定的工作分配. 如果任何員工被招入的位置被指定雙語, or for which non-English language requirements are listed in the job posting, 除非矛盾的分析已經完成該員工將被認為能勝任這個溢價. Health Worker Premium
Any Health Worker who participates in the auditory certification program, as well as any other additional duties which are outside the scope of the Health Workers classifications shall receive out of class pay per Article 5.7.2.
5.7.2 Out-of-Class Pay A unit member who is directed and approved by their Program Director to perform a portion of the duties and responsibilities of a higher class for five (5) days within a twenty (20) 天期限應接受 5% above their regular pay rate, 追溯至代理指定的第一天. Out of class pay and assignment of out of class duties shall normally be discontinued after a six-month period except for extraordinary circumstances related to health and safety of students or employees as approved by the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources or their Designee. All assignments in excess of six months shall require a determination by the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources or their Designee as to whether the position shall be reclassified. 重新分類和選擇,以重新劃分立場受到公務員規則. 如果位置不重新分類, the employee shall not be required to perform out-of-class duties. The District shall not deliberately reassign duties during the twenty (20) day period merely to avoid the 5% 附加付費項目. The District will not rotate supervisory assignments for the purpose of avoiding out-of-class compensation. 如果員工的工作出一流的執行加班, 失類保險費的將被應用到這些時間以及.
5.7.3 夜間值班
The night duty differential shall be eight percent (8%). 為了符合值夜班溢價, an employee must work at least one (1) 之間移其小時小時 5 時三十分. 至 7 上午; 這些員工自願參與的授權彈性工作計劃應於說值夜班保險費,免徵.
5.7.4 監事會的差分調整
The appointing officer/designee is hereby authorized to adjust the compensation of a supervisory employee as set forth herein subject to the following conditions: 監督員, as part of the regular responsibilities as a supervisor, 指導, is accountable for and is in charge of the work of their subordinate or subordinates. 該組織是由委任軍官/指派適用批准永久的, 並記錄由公務員委員會根據審查和調查的問題. 主管和下屬雙方的分類是適當的組織和有一個正常的, 在組織各自的職責方面層層落實責任和問責制,以相互邏輯關係. 監事的薪酬安排是不到一整步 (約 5%) 在補償計劃, 獨家額外報酬的, 員工的監督. 在確定分類的補償時間表被支付的扁平率, the flat rate will be converted to a bi-weekly rate and the compensation schedule, the top step, of which is closest to the flat rate so converted shall be deemed to be the compensation schedule of the flat rate classification. 監事的薪酬安排的調整應是代表最近的補償計劃, 但不超過, 一個完整的一步 (約 5%) 在補償計劃, 獨家額外報酬的, 員工的監督. 在任命官員/指定的人員是否監控員工的薪酬安排的決定應按照本條進行調整應是終局. Compensation adjustments are effectively retroactive to the beginning of the current fiscal year or the date in the current fiscal year upon which the employee became eligible for such adjustment under these provisions. 在任何情況下,任命官員/指定人批准超過監管薪酬調整 2 全步 (約 10%) 在上司的電流基本補償. If in the following fiscal year a salary inequity continues to exist, 在任命官員/指定人可能會再次檢討情況,並可以給予額外的工資調整不超過 2 全步 (約 10%). An employee shall be eligible for supervisory differential adjustments only if they actually supervise the technical content of subordinate work and possess education and/or experience appropriate to the technical assignment.
5.7.5 待機收費 員工誰, as part of the duties of their positions are required by the appointing officer to be on standby when normally off duty to be instantly available on call for immediate emergency service for the performance of their regular duties, shall be paid twenty-five percent (25%) of their regular straight time rate of pay for the period of the standby service, except that employees shall be paid ten percent (10%) of their regular straight time rate of pay for the period of such standby service when outfitted by their department with a cellular phone. 當這樣的員工被稱為在緊急情況下備用等服務期間履行其正常職責, 而從事這種緊急的薪酬通常的速度對這種服務,他們應當支付, 包括加班費(如果適用).
儘管本條的規定, standby pay shall not be allowed in classes whose duties are primarily administrative in nature. The provision of this Section authorizing standby pay does not apply to classifications designated by a “Z” symbol and which would qualify for designation as executive under the duties test provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. 提供, 然而, that if such compensation is expressly requested and approved in accordance with the procedures in this section as set forth below, employees in the classification categories referenced in this subsection shall be eligible for standby compensation.
5.7.6 回撥/緩繳工資
機組成員叫成在每天下班或者叫回他們的工作地點(小號) 跟隨他們每天的工作從他們的工作地點完成和離開應被授予至少四 (4) 小時補償的適用率或應全部時間進行補償實際工作的適用稅率, 以較高者為準. The section shall not apply to employees who are called back to duty when on a standby status, 依據第 5.7.5 集體談判協議. 僱員的工作時間不得調整,以避免支付這個最低的. 誰是舉行了工作過他們的定期後移工作的全職員工,應在每節加班補償 5.7.9 集體談判協議.
5.7.7 牽頭人薪酬 Employees designated by their supervisor as lead workers shall be entitled to a twenty dollar ($20.00) 只有每日溢價的情況下,涉及: 定期分配計劃, 設計, 草圖, 佈局細節, 當上述估計還是為了用料做工是類的常規工作內容和職責外. When assigned to team maintenance and only when the supervisor recommends that said -assignment meets the description in section 以上.
5.7.8 小木屋學校差
A unit member assigned to work at Log Cabin School in La Honda shall be entitled to a seven and one-half percent (7.5%) 工資差別.
5.7.9 隨著時間的推移
隨著時間的推移 shall be defined as service authorized by the Superintendent or their designee in excess of eight hours in any day, 或超過四十小時,每週的任何. 加班服務應以現金支付,除非僱員和監督管理者相互同意補休時間提前完成的工作. 如果以現金支付, 這要在一個半倍的基礎每小時工資率. Compensatory time shall be earned at one and one-half (1.5) 時間是加班的時期.
按月區應當向當地SEIU 1021 這是有問題的每月加班費成員單位的名稱的完整列表. Once documented by the employee, overtime shall be paid in a timely manner as soon as the employee’s manager confirms the hours worked and then forwards the documentation to payroll.
5.7.10 里程 單位成員,其職業分類被分配給多個區網站或誰是必需的,直接用他/她的私人車輛在區履行職責, 和誰提交相應索賠表格, 應按照當時的IRS利率報銷. 報銷不得在其中單位會員選舉中未分配到多個站點在一個位置編號多個站點的多個位置工作的情況下都適用. 此限制不適, 然而, to the unit member who is receiving reimbursement under these circumstances as of the date of ratification of this Agreement.
5.7.11 委員會通信技術
中 60 批准天, 區和歐盟將召開委員會,審查與談判單位成員的移動通信需求. 基於這樣的檢查結果,委員會將評價為使用個人通訊設備提供通訊設備或適當的比例報銷,並建立工作場所協議選項.
5.7.11. 1 在完成的時候, the policies generated by the committee shall be reviewed for approval 通過 the Department of Technology and shall be incorporated into this Agreement after approval is confirmed.
5.8 糾正錯誤薪資
5.8.1 In the event of a payroll error that represents fifty percent (50%) 以上僱員的淨工資的, 校正檢查將由中區發出 1 至 3 工作日內提供: 錯誤被帶到工資部門的重視內三 (3) 在發放工資的日子發生錯誤時; 並且還提供了工資部門收到的文檔,修正在其接收到錯誤的通知,大概時間.
5.8.2 如果工資誤差量代表 25% 至 49% 員工的工資淨額的, the new check will be issued within five (5) work days and all other provisions of Section 5.8.1 適用.
5.8.3 如果工資誤差量小於 25% of the employee’s net pay check, 修正將在下一次定期工資進行.
5.9 支付政策
5.9.1 電子工資單系統 — — 所有談判組成員應完全由電子手段按以下條款:
5.9.2 討價還價的單位成員應通過直接存款付給他們現有的帳戶.
5.9.3 議價單位成員尚未取得報酬,以這種方式可能給薪資部,以便執行付款通過直接存款提供所需資料.
5.9.4 選擇不接收通過直接存款支付工資議價單位成員應支付替代電子手段 (例如"支付卡"). 單位成員權,使指定的金融機構的存款由區到工資卡每次至少一個自由退出. 工資卡收件者清單應提供給聯盟內三十 (30) 天這個方案的實施.
5.9.5 All electronic pay warrants shall be accessible via the unit member’s District username and password through a secure website provided by the District. 所有議價單位成員須對區電腦和印表機的訪問期間正常上班時間內非執勤時間在工作現場或交替區位置為核實工資存款, 查看明細工資報表 ("支付存根 (stub)") 及印刷硬副本.
5.10 Duty-Free Lunch
單位構件分配給工作6 (6) 或每天更多的時間有權以不超過三十少 (30) minute duty-free lunch period without pay; 所說的期限,由員工安排, 受到頂頭上司的批准. Should the need for District efficiency cause the lunch period to be canceled, 區應當作出合理的努力,上述單元體的正常啟動中重新計劃和服務的結束時間. 在任何情況下, 單位成員應支付實際上所有的工作時間.