
文章 06 – 臨時職位

6.0 臨時職位

6.1 區和歐盟同意審閱臨時職位,以確定是否這樣的位置可以在自然界中永久. 學區同意以方便臨時僱員的永久位置的過渡.

6.2 Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this agreement, the District agrees to make every effort to administer examinations for all covered classifications currently employing TEX and PEX employees. If the District is unable to administer examinations within sixty (60) 天, the District and the Union will meet every month about the process until the examinations are complete. The District and Union agree to prioritize this work to facilitate hiring in classifications that have not had an examination administered in at least the last two (2) 年份.

6.3 Non-Permanent Employee Benefits

6.3.1 員工分配比少 20 每週幾小時

臨時員工定期分配給小於 20 每週工作時間不應有權區效益的貢獻.

6.3.2 員工之間的工作 20 和 30 每週幾小時

每年一月 1st, 定期安排臨時/臨時僱員工作20 (20) 或以上,但少於三十 (30) 每週幾小時, 或根據需要的員工誰平均有20間歇性地工作 (20) 或以上,但少於三十 (30) 十二內每週小時 (12) month period measured from July 1st – June 30th of the preceding year are eligible for employee only medical benefits (健康, 視力, 牙齒) 通過衛生服務體系.

6.3.3 員工工作 30 每星期或更小時

另外, every January 1st, 定期安排臨時/臨時僱員的工作至少三十 (30) 一個星期小時, 或根據需要的員工誰也間歇性地工作,平均三十 (30) 每星期或更長時間的十二個月中 (12) month period measured from July 1st – June 30th of the preceding year are eligible for employee and, (如果適用), 相關的醫療福利 (健康, 視力, 牙齒). Eligibility will be determined on a year-to-year basis for qualifying employees.

6.3.4 臨時員工定期分配給至少二十 (20), 但不到四十 (40) hours per week will receive prorated District contributions for premiums, 假期工資, 假日薪酬, 病假工資, and available City Retirement coverage. 如果可以接受的載體, said part time employees may purchase life and/or long-term disability insurance through the District at the employee’s expense.

6.3.5 以下各節 (6.3.6 直到並包括 became effective on July 1, 2016.

6.3.6 支付步驟促進臨時和臨時員工

誰是定期工作的臨時員工應當有資格提前說分類的下一步驟的薪酬如下: If initially employed in the classification at Step 1, the employee shall qualify to advance to Step 2 後六 (6) months of service and to succeeding steps annually thereafter on the anniversary date of movement to Step 2. If initially employed in the classification at Step 2 或更高, 該僱員應該有資格進入到後續步驟之後每年分期付款的僱員的日期在分類. As-needed temporary employees who have worked 1040 hours within a two year period in their classification shall qualify to advance to the next pay step of said classification on the 1041st 小時, 此後每年. Those employees currently employed who were appointed above Step 1, working at least six (6) 每天小時, 誰尚未達到 1040 hours shall be advanced to the next step on their 1041st 小時, 此後每年.
