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CBA 5.5-5.6

What’s in Your Contract? Insurance and EAP

Article 5.5 covers a few insurance-related benefits, mostly for permanent civil service employees. Civil service employees working at least 20 hours per week have long-term disability coverage that activates after 180 calendar days out of work and will replace up to 50% of your lost income, up to $1000 per month.

SFUSD also provides active employees with a term life insurance policy for the duration of your employment; this policy also covers dismemberment and other serious injuries that prevent you from working. Supplemental coverage for the employee and dependents is available if you are interested – the plan document has all the details. details the District’s responsibility for the family of an employee who passes away. Unfortunately, changes in City statutes around employee health coverage limit our ability to extend coverage for families of employees hired after January 8, 2009. The District will proactively reach out to family members to make them aware of all available benefits to help them during their time of need.

5.5.3 reflects, compliant with Ed Code, that Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break are not breaks in continuous service for employees.

5.5.4 covers workers compensation and modified/light duty. More detail on this is contained in the Return to Work Policy.

5.5.5 provides that the District will continue paying the employer portion of all benefits while you are on a job-protected leave such as CFRA, FMLA, or using your sick leave (including donated leave):

When protected and paid leaves expire, and 12 additional weeks have passed, the District will cease paying these employer contributions.

CBA 5.5.5

5.5.6 allows for “blending” of disability payments and sick leave to retain 100% of your salary while you are on state disability leave.

The Employee Assistance Program in CBA 5.6 can provide a variety of confidential advice and assistance on financial, mental health, and addiction issues. EAP will also provide grief counselors to worksites in the event of the death of a coworker or other similar situation.

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