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Article 12 – Holidays and Vacations

12.0 Holidays and Vacations

12.1 Holidays

Holidays observed by the San Francisco Unified School District (the District) by miscellaneous employees are those established by the Board of Education:

  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Indigenous People’s Day (or substitution thereof)
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Autumn (Thanksgiving) Recess
  • Christmas Holiday
  • New Year’s Day
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Observance
  • Presidents’ Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth

12.1.1 Regular employees of the District who are normally not assigned to duty during the Winter Recess period shall be paid for the December 25 and/or January 1 holidays provided they were in paid status the day before or the day after said recess.

12.2 Paid Floating Holiday

12.2.1 Bargaining unit members shall have five (5) floating holidays (including Lunar New Year) per fiscal year. Bargaining unit members have the right to flexibly schedule four (4) floating holidays with their supervisor’s approval. While each request shal-l be considered on an individual basis, school-term unit members shall not normally be approved to take a floating holiday on student attendance days.

12.2.2 All floating holidays must be designated by the unit member prior to the end of the unit member’s work year and must be taken prior to June 30.

12.2.3 An employee may request the scheduling of the other four (4) floating holidays from their supervisor who is designated as responsible for vacation approval. While each request will be considered on an individual basis, school-term employees will not normally be approved to take a floating holiday on student attendance days. If a Supervisor does not approve an employee’s request to use a floating holidays on the date(s) requested, the Supervisor will make every reasonable effort to find an alternate mutually-agreeable date.

12.3 Vacation

12.3.1 The San Francisco Unified School District (the District) provides annual vacations for all classified employees who have completed one (1) year or more continuous service. Vacation is accrued and awarded each pay period in accordance with the following table, dependent upon whether one is a Year Round or a School Term Employee.

Number of Years of Service

Vacation Leave for Year Round Employees

1 to 5 Years .0385 x number of hours worked

After 5 to 15 Years .0577 x number of hours worked

After 15 Years and over .0770 x number of hours worked


Number of Years of Service

Vacation Leave for School Term Employees

1 to 5 Years .0485 x number of hours worked

After 5 to 15 Years .0728 x number of hours worked

After 15 Years .0970 x number of hours worked The additional award of vacation after five (5) and fifteen (15) years will not be made and cannot be taken until the employee has reached his/her anniversary date in the fifth (5th) and fifteenth (15th) year of service. The maximum vacation awarded in any 12 month period and the maximum accumulations permitted are as follows:

Years of Service12-Month Award MaximumEquivalent of DaysNumber Maximum Accumulation
1-580 hours10320 hours (40 days)
5-15120 hours15360 hours (45 days)
15 and over160 hours20400 hours (50 days)

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