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Article 18 – Student Nutrition Services


18.1 Assignment

Any changes in hour or site assignment for Student Nutrition Service employees will be based on program needs and seniority. All things being equal, seniority will be the governing factor.

18.2 Annual Bidding Process for Upcoming School Year

Every spring, all known open positions for the upcoming school year will be filled using a bidding process that includes three major steps: (1) Building the List of Openings by Site, (2) Submitting Choices, and (3) Filling Open Positions. At each step in the process, SNS management will provide packets of written information to SNS employees, which will be available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
Employees will be notified of their assignment for the upcoming school year before the end of the current school year.

18.2.1 Building the List of Openings Every spring SNS management will send a Bidding Survey to all SNS employees asking them to indicate their plans for the coming school year and to return it within a two‐week time frame. SNS employees will use the Bidding Survey to indicate whether they:
(a) will not be participating in the bidding process because they would like to stay in their current position for the coming school year;
(b) want their current position added to the list of openings for the bidding process because they would like to move to a different position via the bidding process for the coming school year; or
(c) are not planning to work in SNS in the coming year so want their current position added to the list of openings for the bidding process. The Bidding Survey will include language to help employees understand some of the implications of participating in the bidding process. For example:
(a) Employees who choose to participate in the bidding process for the upcoming school year will be giving up their current year assignment.
(b) While employees can add their current assignment to their list of choices in the bidding process,there is no guarantee that everyone will get one of their choices.
(c) Employees with higher seniority are more likely to get one of their choices than employees with lower seniority. When a position has change in hours

Employees working in a regularly scheduled position that will experience a change in hours for the coming school year will also receive a Notice of Schedule Change Form that describes the changes for the coming year, and they will be asked to fill out the form and return it to SNS management with the same two‐week time frame as the Bidding Survey. By completing the Notice of Schedule Change Form SNS employees will indicate whether they are:

(a) interested in keeping their current position with the new hours in the coming year,or
(b) want the position with the new hours added to the list of openings for the coming year because they would like to move to a different position via the bidding process. Seniority List Sorted by Total Seniority

SNS management will also send the Seniority List of all SNS employees. Employees with higher seniority will be more likely to get one of their choices than employees with lower seniority, so reviewing the Seniority List will help employees understand where they will be positioned in the bidding process. Employees who have any questions about their place on the Seniority List can follow‐up with Human Resources.
If errors are found in the Seniority List, a new list will be sent to employees before bidding is completed. Creation of Bidding List

SNS management will compile all the responses from the Bidding Survey and Notice of Schedule Change Form to create a list for the coming school year. A position will be considered open for the coming school year if:

(a) it is a new position;
(b) the regularly scheduled employee has indicated that they would like to move to a different position in the coming school year;
(c) the regularly scheduled employee has indicated that they are not planning to work in SNS in the coming school year; or
(d) there is no regularly scheduled employee in the position (including positions which were vacated during the school year and currently filled by temporarily assigned employees).

18.2.2 Submitting Choices SNS management will provide all employees participating in the bidding process for the coming school year with an Openings and Bidding Form asking them to list their top choices and return it within a two‐week time frame. The Opening and Bidding Form will include the name of the school and the hours for all positions. Each employee will have the option of listing up to five choices in order of priority on the Opening and Bidding Form, and may include their current position as one of their choices.

18.2.3 Filling Open Positions Positions will be filled based on Seniority, and SNS management will make every effort to assign all employees to their highest ranked choice. SNS management will create a list of employees who submitted an Opening and Bidding Form and sorted it in order from highest to lowest seniority. If employees have the same seniority date, the last three digits of their social security number will be used as a tie‐breaker with largest three‐digit number ranked the highest. The employee ranked highest on the list noted above will be assigned to their highest ranked choice with an opening. Then the next person on the list will be assigned to their highest ranked choice with an opening, and this process will be repeated until every employee’s Opening and Bidding Form has been reviewed. Employees who are not assigned to one of their choices via the foregoing process will be assigned to an unfilled opening based on seniority and proximity to home. The employee ranked highest on the seniority list will be assigned to the unfilled position that is closest to their home address. The employee with the next highest seniority will be assigned to the unfilled position that is closest to their home, and this process will be repeated until all openings are filled. Before the end of the current school year, SNS management will mail assignments for the upcoming school year to all employees, and will work directly with SNS employees to explore ways to address any concerns about their assignments. SNS management will provide copies of the following to the Union: (1) packets of written information sent to SNS employees; (2) a ranked list of employees who submitted an Openings and Bidding Form that is used to fill openings via the bidding process; (3) a list of employees who did not get assigned to one of their choices via the bidding process; (4) list of all assignment offers from the bidding process; and (5) a list of each worker’s bids.

18.3 Annual Bidding Process for Summer Meals

18.3.1 Positions to support summer meals will be filled using a bidding process that is very similar to the Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year. Packets of written information sent to SNS employees will be available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
Employees will be notified of summer assignments at least ten (10) working days before the start of summer service. Every spring SNS management will send a Summer Survey to all SNS employees asking them to indicate their interest in working over the summer and to return the survey within a two‐week time frame. SNS management will send all employees who indicated they want to work over the summer a Summer Opening and Bidding Form asking them to list their top choices and return it within a two‐week time frame. The Summer Openings and Bidding Form will include the following information for all open positions; the name of the school, the meals served, and the hours for the position. Each employee will have the option of listing up to five choices in order of priority. SNS management will make every effort to assign all employees to their first choice. If it is not possible to offer every employee his or her first choice, positions will be filled based on seniority using the same process described under Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year. Ten (10) working days before the start of summer service, SNS management will mail summer assignments to employees, and will work directly with SNS employees to explore ways to address any concerns about summer assignments.

18.3.2 SNS management will provide copies of the following with the Union: (1) packets of written information sent to SNS employees; (2) a ranked list of employees who submitted an Summer Openings and Bidding Form that is used to fill openings via the bidding process; (3) a list of employees who did not get assigned to one of their choices via the bidding process; (4) a list of all summer assignment offers from the bidding process; and (5) a list of each worker’s bids.

18.4 Filling Openings Outside the Annual Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year

18.4.1 If a permanent position opens up during the school year, the opening will be considered a temporary assignment until the next Annual Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year.

18.4.2 If additional hours are added to a position during the school year and the employee in that position does not want the additional hours, the additional hours will be filled as a temporary assignment until the next Annual Bidding Process for the Upcoming School Year.

18.5 Temporary Assignment

Subject to the needs of SNS as determined by the Director of SNS, any temporary change in assignment shall be based on seniority, with the temporary change of assignment offered voluntarily first to the most senior. If there are no volunteers, then the employee with least seniority will be assigned. Said assignment will be made in writing to the employee and the Union, and shall include the starting and ending date.

18.6 Emergency Site Coverage

SNS will designate between 5‐10 regularly assigned employees who will receive training to provide emergency site coverage, including expansion programs such as Breakfast in the Classroom, mobile carts, vending machine, bulk serving, etc. These employees will receive the same hours as their regular assignment, unless the emergency shift being covered is a longer shift. A 2615 Student Employee covering for a Lead 2616 Student Nutrition Employee will receive out of class pay. A 2616 covering for a 2616 will receive one and one half times the regular pay.

18.7 Access to Phones

Employee in all work locations shall be provided reasonable access to a land‐line or mobile telephone or comparable means of communication for the conduct of District business, including the exchange of text or picture messages if required by the supervisor, and for use in the event of emergencies. Such usage shall not interfere with the transaction of Departmental business.

18.8 Care and Cleaning of Cafeteria

SNS workers are responsible for the care and cleaning of the cafeteria and service of all meals to students. Care and cleaning includes wiping down dining furniture and chairs, cleaning of student food sharing table, disposing of left over milk, maintaining posters and signage on the walls, cleaning of coolers and other preparation equipment and areas, and maintaining any trash enclosures.

These duties shall include breakfast, lunch and supper programs.
These duties does not include taking out trash bins, cleaning the floors, walls, or windows, except in the kitchen or preparation area. SNS workers will not be expected to sort compostable or recyclable items that have been placed in the trash.
Workers shall be provided with a written description of the work per site to be completed during their shift and when break periods are to occur.

18.9 Work During a Split Shift

SNS workers with a split shift shall be entitled to a duty‐free unpaid nonworking period. If an SNS worker is asked by their immediate supervisor to work during a duty‐free, unpaid, nonworking period, they will be paid for all hours actually worked in minimum increments of fifteen (15) minutes.

When an SNS worker is asked by their immediate supervisor to cover split shifts at multiple work sites in a day, SNS will calculate the travel time between sites and the employee will be paid for the travel time at their regular pay rate. Employees who use public transit to travel between assigned sites will be reimbursed for the cost of their travel.

18.10 No Loss of Pay for Incumbents

“Incumbents in the classification” includes any employee working in any of the affected classification, irrespective of their status – e.g., temporary, service as needed, etc. – on or after July 1, 2010. The effect of this provision is that no employee who so qualifies will be placed at the new lower steps upon rehire.
No incumbents, as defined herein will lose pay as a result of the reorganization and will be placed at that step in the new step system which is at least equal to their present salary.
Any “incumbent” as described in this section currently paid above the top step of the classification shall be grand‐ parented into their current salary level and shall suffer no reduction in salary as a result of implementation of this reorganization.

18.11 Out of Class Pay for School Lunchroom Helper Assigned to Lead

If a 2615 School Lunchroom Helper is assigned to fill a 2616 Lead Student Nutrition Worker opening because there are not enough 2616’s to fill all Lead Openings, the 2615 Lunchroom Helper’s salary will be adjusted to include out of class pay for the duration of their assignment in a Lead role. The District shall provide classification 2615 when assigned “In Charge” at a satellite location a salary adjustment to the equivalent salary step in the salary schedule which is two grades above the salary schedule for class 2615.

18.12 In‐Year Vacations for School‐Term SNS Employees

18.12.1 The District may provide In‐Year vacations for up to thirty‐five (35) school‐term employees per year as long as the operational needs of the district are not negatively impacted. Such vacations may not be taken during the two (2) weeks prior to the commencement, and the first eight (8) weeks of the student instructional year.

18.12.2 SNS employees shall submit a written request on a district form for an in‐year vacation to their immediate supervisor at least two (2) weeks prior to the vacation dates requested.

18.12.3 In‐year vacation request may be approved so long as the operational needs of the District are not adversely affected.

18.12.4 Approvals will be based on District seniority subject to section 18.12.5 below. Ties in seniority will be broken by the last three digits of the social security number.

18.12.5 After an eligible SNS employee has received an in‐year vacation, he/she shall drop to the bottom of the seniority list if future requests for that school year are submitted.

18.12.6 No more than one (1) eligible SNS employee at any job site may be on an in‐year vacation at any given time.

18.12.7 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to eliminate SNS employee vacations during recesses.

18.12.8 School‐term SNS employees who work a summer assignment that does not allow for a break of at least ten (10) workdays between the end of the summer assignment and the commencement of the student instructional year may apply for a vacation during the blackout period as defined by 18.12.1

18.13 Training and Professional Development

18.13.1 External Training

Required tools and materials for culinary arts coursework will be reimbursed out of the tuition reimbursement fund pursuant to section 10.7 of this Agreement.

18.13.2 Internal Training

SNS will make an ongoing and concerted effort to train employees in the variety of duties performed by workers in their class. These efforts may include training sessions and work experience at a variety of sites and with a variety of programs.

18.14 Summer Assignments

Employees assigned to work during the summer shall receive, on a pro rata basis, not less than the compensation and benefits that are applicable to the classification of the summer assignment or service during the regular school year.

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