Article 21 – Uniforms
21.1 Annual Funds for Employees Uniforms
The District shall allocate funds annually for the purpose of providing uniforms and safety shoes to warehouse workers, asbestos workers, window washers, custodial workers, and unit members working with duplication/reproduction equipment. Said uniforms and shoes may not be worn or used for any purpose other than performing assigned District duties.
21.1.1 Asbestos Workers, Warehouse Workers, and Window Washers
The District shall allocate up to $15,000 per year for the purpose of providing uniforms and safety shoes for warehouse workers, asbestos workers, and window washers.
21.1.2 Document Publishing and Distribution Center
The District shall allocate up to $600 per year to provide uniforms and safety shoes for the two (2) unit members working with duplications/reproduction equipment. Said provisions for the Document Publishing and Distribution Center shall be consistent with the current District practices for warehouse workers.
21.1.3 Student Nutrition
The District shall allocate up to $20,000 per year to provide shirts, smocks, aprons and non‐skid shoe covers for student nutrition workers. Funds remaining in the allocation after these items have been purchased shall be spent on safety equipment; this may include shoes, tension mats, etc.
21.1.4 Houseparents
The District shall allocate up to $10,000 per year to provide shirts, smocks, aprons and non‐skid shoe covers for houseparents. Funds remaining in the allocation after these items have been purchased shall be spent on safety equipment; this may include shoes, tension mats, etc.
21.1.5 Custodial Workers
The District shall allocate $30,000 per year to provide custodians with uniforms and shoes.
21.2 Uniform Review Committee
The Union and the District shall appoint representatives to serve on the committee that will make final recommendations regarding uniform based on their assessment of the needs of district workers. This committee shall meet within 60 days of ratification in 2013 and one month prior to submitting requests for proposals thereafter.