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Sideletter Regarding Incumbents in Class 7218
Sideletter Regarding Incumbents in Classification 7218
Between SEIU Local 1021 and SFUSD
- The parties agree that a job analysis of class 7218 will be conduction with the goal of aligning the actual work, position, and compensation to facilitate student and staff safety.
- Incumbents in class 7218 as of September 29, 2017 will be held harmless in any transition that results from the analysis
- If a new classification with a higher pay schedule is identified as a successor to class 7218, class 7218 will have its salary schedule adjusted to match while the transition is effected
- If a new classification with a lower pay schedule is identified as a successor to class 7218, incumbents will retain their current salary schedule after the transition
- Incumbents will maintain their accrued seniority if consolidated or transitioned to any successor classification
- Any successor classification identified will be accreted to the SEIU 1021 bargaining unit
- This sideletter will be subject to the grievance and arbitration process contained in the collective bargaining agreement.