Article 21 – Les dispositions du Programme de développement des enfants
21.0 Les dispositions du Programme de développement des enfants
21.1 Remplissage de postes à pourvoir
Tous les postes vacants pour 2672 - Assistant ou houseparent 2674 - houseparent sera affiché à 20 Cook Street and at every center. as well as in the SFUSD Employee Announcements. . Civil Service permanent employees shall have the opportunity to transfer into vacant positions based on program needs and seniority. Toutes choses étant égales, l'ancienneté est la base de ce transfert.
21.1.1 En l'absence d'une liste de la fonction publique, les employés temporaires seront offerts toute affectation régulière vacants en fonction des besoins du programme et la durée du service date of hire. . Toutes choses étant égales, length of service date of hire shall be the governing factor for such assignment.. Every Permanent Civil Service (PCS) employee shall have priority in being offered the opportunity to transfer in seniority order, followed by permanent exempt employees (PEX). Any employee who cannot be contacted by email, phone call or USPS mail for the period of five (5) working days after the first attempt to contact shall be considered to have waived the position.
21.1.2 Whether for transfer, or for as-needed positions for substitute temporary openings, these positions shall be filled based on program need and hire date.
21.2 Cession temporaire à long terme
When the District assigns long-term additional “as-needed” hours (communément appelée heures « feuille bleue ») à houseparents avec des missions régulières, ces heures supplémentaires affectées à au moins 20 jours consécutifs comprendront et charges à payer applicables les droits de congé de maladie, vacances, vacances et contribution de retraite avec effet rétroactif au premier jour de la cession.
21.3 The District will provide Houseparents and Assistant Houseparents with appropriate training, and any necessary Personal Protective Equipment, consistent with the duties in their job description. Houseparents or Assistant Houseparents, who have a good faith belief that a project to which they have been assigned presents health and/or safety risks beyond those normally associated with their classification, may request a review project assigned work by the District Safety Officer or their designee. Such a request shall not be unreasonably denied.
The SFUSD site Administration/Manager shall contact the properSan Francisco City and County department(s) to clean, disinfect and dispose of any and all hazardous waste/debris caused by any homeless shelter/encampments adjacent to, but not on,SFUSD property.
Employees will not be responsible for evicting trespassers camping on SFUSD property.