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Article 08 – sécurité Union

8.0 sécurité Union

8.1 Dues/COPE/Union-Sponsored Benefit Program Deduction

8.1.1 The District shall honor an employee’s check-off authorization for dues, CHAPE, or other Union-sponsored programs, which are submitted in writing, through electronically recorded phone calls, via online deduction authorization, or by any other means of indicating agreement allowable under state and federal law, regardless of whether the employee is a member of the union.

8.1.2 Deduction of dues, COPE or other Union-sponsored program shall start the pay period after the District receives notification of the authorization. The District shall transmit such payment to the Union through electronic fund transfer no later than thirty (30) days after the deduction from the employee’s earnings occurs.

8.1.3 Requests to authorize dues/other deduction(s) or requests to change status regarding such deductions, shall be directed to the Union rather than the District. The District shall rely on the Union’s explanations in a certified list, submitted by a representative of the Union who has authority to bind the Union, regarding whether an authorization/change in deduction(s) has been requested by the employee.

8.1.4 The Union shall not provide the District of the employee’s authorization unless a dispute arises about the existence or terms of the authorization.

8.2 New Employee

8.2.1 The District shall provide the Union designee(s) with electronic notification in an Excel or CSV file format of the name, job title, department, work location, work, home and personal cellular telephone numbers, adresse du domicile, and personal and work email addresses of any newly hired employee within seven (7) calendar days of the date of hire, or by the first pay period.

8.3 Regular receipt of bargaining unit lists – Additionally the District shall provide to the Union office every ninety (90) jours calendaires, the following information for all bargaining unit employees (in an Excel or CSV file format):

  • Employee ID
  • First Name/Middle Name/Last Name
  • Address/City/State/Zip Code
  • Home Phone/Work Phone
  • Email Address (work)
  • Email Address (personal)
  • Birthdate
  • Hire Date
  • Seniority Date
  • Job Class Code/Job Class Description
  • Job Type (FT, PT, TEMP, As Needed)
  • Appointment Type
  • Status (Active, On-Leave, etc.)
  • Pay Rate/Pay Step
  • Bargaining Unit Code
  • Bargaining Unit Description
  • Dept. Code/Dept. Description
  • Work Location/Work Location Description
  • Work Location Address/City/State/Zip Code
  • Décalage (Incl. journées & heures)

8.4 The District shall also provide the Union every ninety (90) calendar days with a list of those employees, permanents et temporaires, who are not currently paying Union dues.

8.5 Listes fournies dans la section 8.2 par 8.4 sont dans un format commun accord par l'Union et le District.

8.6 L'Union accepte d'indemniser et de tenir le district indemne de toute réclamation, demandes, poursuites ou toute autre action découlant de cet accord de sécurité de l'organisation.

8.7 Le district accepte de maintenir les droits de l 'Union à retenues salariales et le maintien de l'adhésion.

Table des matières