You will need your district username and password. Call the Help Desk at 415-241-6476 if you don’t know your username or password.
You can see your pay stub (“advice”) on the district’s website. Take a look at this video to see how:
Starting in January 2014, you won’t be receiving a paper paycheck or stub. Sign up for Direct Deposit to make your banking easier. If you need help getting a checking account, contact your union and we will help sign you up with a local credit union.
5.6.13 Payment Policy Electronic Payroll System – All bargaining unit members shall be paid exclusively by electronic means according to the following terms: Bargaining unit members shall be paid through direct deposit to their existing accounts. Bargaining unit members not already receiving pay in this manner may provide the requisite information to the Payroll Department to enable implementation of payment by direct deposit. Bargaining unit members who elect not to receive salary payments through direct deposit shall be paid through alternative electronic means (such as a “pay card”). Unit members shall be entitled to make at least one free withdrawal from the designated financial institution each time a deposit is made by the District to the pay card. A list of pay card recipients shall be provided to the Union within thirty (30) days of the implementation of this program. In the event of a lost pay stub or if elected by the covered employee all electronic pay warrants shall be accessible via the unit member’s District user name and password to a secure through a secure website provided by the District. All bargaining unit members shall have access to a District computer and printer during non-duty time within normal business hours at the work site or alternate District locations for the purpose of verifying salary deposits, viewing itemized wage statements (“pay stub”) and printing hard copies thereof. The District agrees to meet with union members quarterly to discuss the implementation of the payment policy during the duration of 2013-14 school year. The School Chapter leadership and SEIU, Local 1021 will meet twice during the 2013-14 school year with the District to discuss any problems related to the program.