05. 3 月 2017 · 評論關閉 上 註冊會員權益及折扣! · 分類: 聯盟心動

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有風險. 昂貴. 秘密.

這些都不是的話任何人都希望聽到我們的退休. 但SFERS董事會正在考慮的計劃豎起來 $3 的十億 我們的 退休到不受監管的對沖基金. 加入你的SEIU的兄弟姐妹們更多地了解你的退休保障這 星期四, 2 月 5 在 5:30下午.

截圖 2015-01-31 11.14.21了解這些變化對你的退休的影響

在對沖基金擬投資將花費我們的退休金計劃 $100 百萬每年的收費單. 請 張貼傳單 並與同事分享.



簽署SEIU 請願書的退休保障 並了解您的聲音可以聽到即將退休的董事會會議.




預先指定表格你有權去看自己的醫生 當你在工作中受傷時. 為了這樣做, 只需填寫此表格並將其提交給地區工人賠償辦公室. 打電話給他們 241-6308 有問題, 或 向管家求助.


工作場所危險? 打電話給安全檢查員.


保持安全的唯一方法是積極主動. 向地區安全官員報告所有安全隱患, 沃爾特帕特里克, 在 415-730-4021 或致電您的工會.

29.5 學區承認自己有責任為學區員工一個安全,健康的工作環境. 學區同意調查和部門建議給予考慮,以改善員工代表的工作環境. 學區同意按照 Cal-OSHA 的相關規定維護代表員工的安全標準.

29.5.1 如果談判單位成員真誠地相信他/她被分配到的項目存在超出通常與他/她的分類相關的健康和/或安全風險, 該單元的成員可由區安全主任或他指定要求該項目的審查或分配工作. 這樣的要求,不得無理拒絕.

29.5.3 材料安全數據表應可供員工或其工會代表檢查.

在新的 2013-2016 合同, 部分 29.3 提供應急準備培訓:

29.3 誰被分配一個員工成為應急響應小組按照區或網站應急預案成員(小號) 應得到該計劃的副本(小號) 回顧他/她指派的工作. 這些員工應在執行該計劃的接受培訓(小號) 中 30 學校學期開始的日子,並根據需要更新.

務必 問你的本金或現場監督 您的網站的應急預案. 如果您沒有收到內計劃更新和培訓 60 在學期開始的日子, 致電您的工會代表報告.

災難服務人員. 在緊急聲明的情況下,,

Weingarten Rights

在 1975 the United States Supreme Court, in the case of NLRB v. Ĵ. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975), upheld a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision that employees have a right to union representation at investigatory interviews. These rights have become known as the Weingarten Rights.During an investigatory interview, the Supreme Court ruled that the following rules apply:

規則 1: The employee must make a clear request for union representation before or during the interview. The employee cannot be punished for making this request.

規則 2: After the employee makes the request, 的 employer must choose from among three options:

  • Grant the request and delay questioning until the union representative arrives and (prior to the interview continuing) the representative has a chance to consult privately with the employee;
  • Deny the request and end the interview immediately; 或
  • Give the employee a clear choice between having the interview without representation, or ending the interview. You should always choose to end the interview if offered this choice.

規則 3: If the employer denies the request for union representation, and continues to ask questions, it commits an unfair labor practice and the employee has a right to refuse to answer. The employer may not discipline the employee for such a refusal.


If you are called for an interview which may result in discipline:
1. Speak up clearly.If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative be present. Until my representative arrives, I choose not to participate in this discussion.

  1. Call the union immediately and inform them of the situation.

你 2013-2016 Contract has been finalized, and we’re signing it on Monday, 11 月 18. Here’s a brief look at what’s newwe’ll add detailed language for each of these provisions soon.


Your bargaining team on the final night of bargaining the 2013-2016 合同. At left, Carmelo Sgarloto for the School District.

  • 一個 2% 提高對7月開始所有成員 1 2013
  • 一個 0.5% 籌集月份開始所有成員 1 2014
  • The District will increase its share of health insurance premiums
  • Four floating holidays even in years when Lunar New Year falls on a weekend.
  • 40¢ per hour longevity premium for workers with more than 15 多年的區
  • $10/day Lead Worker Pay
  • An expanded uniform program
  • Grandchildren added to “immediate family” for bereavement leave
  • Expanded language on several important issues:
  1. 工作場所安全
  2. Emergency preparedness training
  3. Discrimination and harassment
  4. Professional development
  • A new payment process for employees not enrolled in direct deposit
  • The District will make its best effort to provide 45 裁員天通知, 並承諾在禮貌和專業的方式提供裁員通知
  • Employees laid off immediately before a holiday will be paid for the holiday