You have the right to see your own doctor when you are injured at work. In order to do so, just fill out this form and submit it to the District Office of Workers Compensation. Call them at 241-6308 with questions, or ask a steward for help.
Workplace hazard? Call the safety inspector.
You have the right to request a safety inspection if you are asked to work in an unsafe environment or do something that may endanger you “beyond the normal hazards of your job.”
The only way to stay safe is to be proactive. Report all safety hazards to the district safety officer, Walter Patrick, at 415-730-4021 or call your union.
29.5 The District acknowledges its responsibility to provide a safe and healthful work environment for District employees. The District agrees to investigate and give consideration to departmental recommendations to improve the working environment for represented employees. The District agrees to maintain safety standards for represented employees as required by the pertinent provisions of Cal-OSHA.
29.5.1 If bargaining unit member has a good faith belief that a project to which he/she has been assigned presents health and/or safety risks beyond those normally associated with his/ her classification, said unit member may request a review of the project or assigned work by the District Safety Officer or his designee. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied.
29.5.3 Material Safety Data sheets shall be available for inspection by employees or their Union Representative.
New in your 2013-2016 contract, section 29.3 provides for emergency preparedness training:
29.3 An employee who is assigned to be a member of the Emergency Response Team in accordance with the District or Site Emergency Preparedness Plan(s) shall receive a copy of the Plan(s) to review his/her assigned duties. Such employees shall receive training on implementation of the Plan(s) within 30 days of the start of the school semester and updated as needed.
Be sure to ask your principal or site supervisor about your site’s emergency plan. If you do not receive plan updates and training within 60 days of the start of the semester, call your union representative at to report.
Your 2013-2016 Contract has been finalized, and we’re signing it on Monday, November 18. Here’s a brief look at what’s new — we’ll add detailed language for each of these provisions soon.

Your bargaining team on the final night of bargaining the 2013-2016 contract. At left, Carmelo Sgarloto for the School District.
- A 2% raise for all members starting July 1 2013
- A 0.5% raise for all members starting January 1 2014
- The District will increase its share of health insurance premiums
- Four floating holidays even in years when Lunar New Year falls on a weekend.
- 40¢ per hour longevity premium for workers with more than 15 years in the District
- $10/day Lead Worker Pay
- An expanded uniform program
- Grandchildren added to “immediate family” for bereavement leave
- Expanded language on several important issues:
- Workplace safety
- Emergency preparedness training
- Discrimination and harassment
- Professional development
- A new payment process for employees not enrolled in direct deposit
- The District will make its best effort to provide 45 days notice of layoffs, and commits to delivering layoff notices in a courteous and professional manner
- Employees laid off immediately before a holiday will be paid for the holiday