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Artículo 10 – Desarrollo profesional y formación

10.0 Desarrollo profesional y formación

Para asegurar el Distrito cuenta con una plantilla pública que es educada, entrenado y preparado para proporcionar servicios de calidad a su comunidad, the District and Union support educational and training opportunities for classified staff.

10.1 Disposiciones de formación

La formación se llevó a cabo durante y después de las horas de trabajo. Job-related workshops shall not be limited to those offered by the District.

10.1.1 All in-service workshops shall be publicized at all sites employing classified staff.

10.1.2 The District will equitably compensate unit members who act as instructors consistent with pay for members of other bargaining units, including possible payment or paid time for preparation, si necesario.

10.1.3 Upon satisfactory completion of the in-service, Los empleados se expedirán un certificado de finalización.

10.1.4 Job-related technology training will be conducted during paid time in an appropriate setting conducive to concentration and learning.

10.1.5 Training may be conducted by qualified and experienced unit members as available.

10.2 Capacitación para Auxiliares de Biblioteca Técnica

El personal del Distrito y educativo adecuado y la biblioteca se reunirá, design and implement a series of in-service courses in skills appropriate to the Library Technical Assistant classification, y que conduce a un certificado de finalización.

10.3 Job-Related Workshops

10.3.1. Upon prior written approval of the Department head or Unit head (o la persona designada), an employee may participate in job-related workshops offered by the District or outside agencies during their regular work day. La solicitud del empleado para asistir a estos talleres debe incluir información sobre la matrícula, Si alguna. Tuition for these pre-approved workshops will be paid for by the District.

10.3.2 Cuando dirigida por un supervisor, un empleado deberá asistir a un taller o formación durante su jornada de trabajo regular o puede asistir a un taller o entrenamiento después de las horas de tiempo pagado. Pagar o tiempo compensatorio será tomada de acuerdo con la Ley de Normas Razonables de Trabajo y demás normativa aplicable. La matrícula para estos talleres será pagado por el Distrito.

10.3.3 Tras la aprobación previa por escrito de un supervisor, an employee may attend a job-related conference during paid time.

10.4 Desarrollo profesional/In-service Training

The District may provide a total of up to twenty-four (24) paid hours of professional development or in-service training for each bargaining unit member over the course of each school year, which shall include both in-person and on-line professional development, sobre una base unitaria.

La programación de las horas en cada unidad se producirá en consulta con la unidad de supervisor con el fin de evitar la interrupción de las operaciones del Distrito. La asistencia a las sesiones programadas será obligatoria para todos los miembros de la unidad de negociación. Oficiales de capítulo, como se identifica por la Unión, shall have the right to attend and address unit members during all in-person sessions for up to 30 minutes immediately following the lunch break.

The content of these sessions for all employees shall be developed in consultation with the Union. Estas sesiones pueden incluir, pero no limitarse a lo siguiente:

  • State & Federal Menu Planning Requirements
  • Reglas del Servicio Civil
  • Contract Process (with Vendors, Contractors, etcétera)
  • Disposal of Hazardous Substances
  • Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
  • Menu Development
  • New Protocols to Ensure Health and Safety
  • Payroll and Payment Systems
  • Procurement and Purchasing Processes
  • Proper Use of Cleaning Products
  • Reviewing Board of Education Policies (and where to find them)
  • Sanitizing Food Preparation/Food Serving Areas
  • Student AttendanceRecording and Procedures
  • La formación de equipos

10.5 Formación de Preparación para Emergencias

Todos los miembros de la unidad de negociación deberán recibir una formación en la preparación para emergencias (incluyendo políticas y procedimientos de Desastres del Distrito - es decir,, temblores, incendios, apagones, pandemics, etcétera) – in order that they will be able to respond as Disaster Service Workers (DSW) when the need arises.

10.5.1 The District representative responsible for safety training will meet with the Union and appropriate district staff to discuss an emergency preparedness training plan which addresses all unit members.

10.6 Plan de reembolso de crecimiento profesional / Matrícula

The District shall establish a pool of $20,000 a year for the purpose of reimbursing qualified tuition costs to bargaining unit members. Classes to be reimbursed shall be approved in advance by the District’s Department of Human Resources. Cada miembro será elegible por no más de $2,000 por año de reembolso como se describe en el presente documento tras la verificación de la finalización de las clases (por ejemplo. transcripciones o suficiente prueba escrita / electrónica).

10.6.1 Eligible Employees

Any employee who works at least 15 hours per week with a minimum of one (1) year continuous service in any classification represented by the Union immediately prior to receipt of application is eligible for tuition reimbursement.

10.6.2 Eligible Expenses

Until such funds are exhausted, and subject to approval by the Department or Unit head (or appropriate designee), an eligible employee may utilize up to a maximum of $2,000 per fiscal year for tuition, registration fees, books, professional conferences, professional association memberships, professional journal subscriptions, professional certifications, and licenses relevant to the employee’s current classification upon verification of completion of classes (por ejemplo. transcripts or sufficient written/ electronic proof). All expenses must be relevant to the employee’s current classification or a classification to which the employee might reasonably expect to be promoted. No reimbursement shall be made for expenses that are eligible for reimbursement under a Federal or State Veterans benefit program.

10.6.3 Cada año fiscal, the District shall provide the Union with a year-end summary of those employees who received reimbursement for a qualified class with cost breakdown per class/per employee.

10.7 Renovación de certificación

Los empleados se concederán tiempo libre, sin pérdida de salario, to complete required, mandatory certification renewals necessary for continued District employment in their classification. La formación realizada por el distrito para las certificaciones obligatorias será proporcionada durante el tiempo pagado de los empleados.

En este momento, las siguientes clasificaciones de negociación se ven afectados por esta disposición: 7218, 1930, 2615, 2616, 2630, 2634, 2656, 2672, 2674, y 3616. Cuando clasificaciones adicionales se añaden a la unidad de negociación, que se incluirán en este caso.

10.8 City University

The District will participate in the City University program and work with the Union to identify courses that shall provide additional opportunities for career development and services improvement within the District.

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