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Artículo 09 – Derechos sindicales

9.0 Derechos sindicales

9.1 Tabla de anuncios

La Unión tendrá derecho a enviar noticias de las actividades y los asuntos de negocios de la Unión en el espacio tablón de anuncios del empleado proporcionados en cada edificio escolar, o el centro, en las zonas frecuentadas por los empleados.

9.2 District Mail and District eMail

9.2.1 The Union may use the District mail service and employee mailboxes and employees’ District email for communications.

9.2.2 Acceso a Internet

SEIU local 1021 unit members shall be provided with a District e-mail account and a password and shall be granted access to a District workplace computer for use permitted by the District’s Technology Acceptable Use and Security Policy, to view District e-mail and official District communications.

9.3 Acceso

Tras la notificación oportuna a las relaciones laborales, un representante de la Unión se permite el contacto razonable con los trabajadores por motivos y las instalaciones del Distrito. Dicho contacto no deberá interferir con el trabajo de los empleados.

9.3.1 En el cumplimiento de su función como agente negociador exclusivo, the Union shall have reasonable access to District buildings, propiedad o alquilado, que son utilizados regularmente por los miembros de la unidad de negociación en el ejercicio de las funciones del Distrito. Esta disposición no se aplicará a las propiedades del Distrito que se alquilan en su totalidad para fines comerciales.

9.3.2 Union representatives have a reasonable right of access to non-work areas (bulletin boards, employee lounges and break rooms) and to hallways to verify that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are being carried out and for the purpose of conferring with employees. The Union shall provide reasonable advance notice to the site administrator that they will be accessing the work site.

9.4 Union officers of their designee and Union Representatives shall be provided with a timely copy of each OASIS notice

9.5 Copy of All Official Communications

All official District communications which deal with bargaining unit working conditions covered by the Agreement shall be posted in each school or work location in the District in a timely manner after issuance, with a copy forwarded to the Union officers or their designees and Union Representatives.

9.6 Orden del Día y Actas

The District shall make the agenda and minutes of each meeting, including public and non-confidential support materials, of the Board of Education available to the Union officers or their designees and Union Representatives at approximately the same time that they are made available to the Board members.

9.7 Publicación de las vacantes

All District recruitments for positions in SEIU classifications shall be posted on the District website and published in OASIS, a copy of which shall be posted at all school sites and work locations in a mutually agreed upon location. OASIS shall also include all Civil Service Commission (CSC) examination announcements for District-only classifications.

9.7.1 Qualified employees shall be fairly considered for the positions in accordance with Civil Service Rules. los años de servicio dará un peso razonable y no puede ser ignorada por los tomadores de decisiones.

9.7.2 The parties acknowledge that San Francisco’s Department of Human Resources is the agency charged with official civil service exam announcements and such announcements are available on the internet and telephone hotline.

9.8 Delegados Sindicales

The Union shall furnish the Labor Relations Department with an accurate list of shop stewards and designated officers of the Union in areas as designated by the Union by July 1calle of each year. La Unión podrá presentar una enmienda a la lista en cualquier momento. están facultadas únicos empleados en esta lista para actuar como delegados.

9.8.1 Newly-elected Stewards shall be allowed four (4) hours paid release time for Union Steward training within six (6) months of appointment as Stewards. en adición, four (4) hours paid release time shall be paid for Stewards for training regarding the provisions of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement within six (6) months of the effective date of this Agreement. The parties shall mutually agree to the number of Stewards to be released at any one time.

9.8.2 delegados y funcionarios designados de la Unión se concederán tiempo de liberación razonable para investigar y procesar las quejas, apelaciones disciplinarias y asistir a reuniones con la dirección del Distrito sin pérdida de salario o beneficios. Shop stewards shall notify Labor Relations and the immediate supervisors of all parties involved prior to release for Union Business. For non-urgent matters such notification of release time shall normally be made in advance of the meeting date and shall include the area or work location where they will be investigating or processing grievances, apelaciones disciplinarias o reuniones con la dirección del Distrito.

9.8.3 When immediate disciplinary action is potentially to be administered because of an alleged violation of law or board policy, a shop steward shall not be unreasonably denied the right to leave their post or duty to represent the employee.

9.8.4 Excepto en situaciones de emergencia, una investigación, disciplina o de quejas reunión se programará nuevamente tiempo de liberación si un delegado se le niega.

9.8.5 Un delegado sindical puede entrevistar a un empleado durante el trabajo regular del empleado con el fin de investigar o procesar una queja o apelación disciplinaria con la aprobación del supervisor del empleado, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

9.8.6 Any meeting of a shop steward and a supervisor of a represented employee shall be held in private surroundings.

9.8.7 Un delegado sindical puede entrevistar a un empleado durante el trabajo regular del empleado con el fin de investigar o procesar una queja o apelación disciplinaria con la aprobación del supervisor del empleado, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

9.9 Release Time for Union Officers

Designated Union officers and Shop Stewards shall be released from District duties upon Union request. Such leaves shall normally begin at the beginning of the semester for school-term employees or July 1calle for year-round employees. Members shall be credited with service time for salary increments and benefit purposes. La Unión reembolsará el Distrito para el paquete económico total del agente liberado(s) no later than June 30TH of the year the leave is granted.

9.9.1 The District shall grant reasonable requests for short-term leaves for Union business, aparte de la negociación, providing a written request is submitted by the Union at least three (3) días de antelación, providing that adequate substitutes are available, si es necesario. La Unión reembolsará el Distrito para el paquete económico total del miembro de liberados sindicales.

9.9.2 For bargaining and bargaining preparation sessions the Union shall provide the District with as much notice as possible.

9.10 Lista de transacciones Empleo/Personnel Actions

The District shall send to the Union president or designee an electronic list of employee transactions whenever these list are generated for Board agendas.

9.11 New Employee Orientation

9.11.1 In-Person On-Boarding Procedures – New Employee Orientations

The District agrees that each newly hired employee shall be provided notice to participate in an in-person or virtual orientation meeting, as small as one individual, within the first thirty (30) calendar days from date of hire during regular working hours and onsite without loss in compensation. The District shall notify each newly hired employee at the time of on-boarding of the date and time of the Union orientation. The District shall also provide the Union with the names of the noticed new employees for each scheduled Union orientation prior to the orientation. The schedule for these orientations shall be established on a yearly basis and made available via the OASIS bulletin notification system emailed to the Chapter Officers and Union Representatives. Union designee(s), including but not limited to, unpaid Union field representatives, officers, stewards, and members, shall conduct the sessions covered under this agreement. Mayordomos, Union field representatives, and chapter officers shall receive timely notice of and shall be permitted to make appearances at any and all orientations or departmental orientation sessions in order to distribute union materials and to discuss employee rights and obligations under this Agreement.

The following ratios shall be followed for this representation paid for by the District:

  • 1-15 employees = 1 officer/steward/member
  • 16-25 employees = 2 officers/stewards/miembros
  • 26 or more employees = 3 officers/stewards/members

The Union shall not be unreasonably denied the right to release additional members to assist with translation during the Union’s meeting with new employees for those who have primary language needs, and/or other specialized factors.

9.11.2 Meeting with Union Designee(s)

Newly hired employees who do not attend a scheduled orientation shall be granted release time without loss in compensation to meet with the Union designee(s) for thirty (30) minutes during their regular working hours and onsite.

9.11.3 Neutrality

District representatives shall be absent from the room during any sessions, meetings, or trainings, facilitated or conducted by the Union, with newly hired employees.

9.11.4 Facility and Resource Access

The Union shall have a right to access and use the Employer’s facilities, on-site audio-visual equipment, and Wi-Fi to conduct sessions and separate meetings with newly hired employees.

9.11.5 Employee Information

The employer shall provide the Union designee(s) with electronic notification in malleable electronic format of the name, job title, department, work location, work, home and personal cellular telephone numbers, direccion de casa, and personal and work email addresses of any newly hired employee within seven (7) calendar days of the date of hire, or by the first pay period.

9.11.6 Notice of Newly Hired Employee(s)

The District agrees to send the name and contact information of the new employee and date of notice regarding the Union orientation to the Union at the time of the actual on-boarding of the new employee.

9.11.7 The District and the Union agree that this agreement shall be subject to all relevant sections of the Contract/MOU, including but not limited to, the grievance process.

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