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SFUSD 分會章程


我們, 舊金山聯合學區的員工, 作為自由和負責任的人工作, 認識到總體上的勞工運動, 和 SEIU 本地 1021, 特別是 CtW, 可以幫助解決我們社區的問題; 因此我們加入工會並同意通過這些章程, 符合地方憲法 1021, 作為為了我們所服務社區的利益而採取一致行動和集體談判的工具.


本章將被稱為本地的 SFUSD 章節 1021. 本章管轄為談判單位全體員工(小號) represented by the Union in the San Francisco Unified School District.


本章是 SEIU Local 的一部分 1021, CtW 並應遵守該聯盟的憲法和所有​​據此通過的政策.


所有人, 不分種族, 信條, 顏色, 宗教, 性別, 性別表達, 性取向, 國籍, 公民身份, 婚姻狀況, 祖先, 年齡, 殘疾狀況, 或政治派別有資格成為會員.


(1) 分會成員應選舉, 每兩個 (2) 年份, 由以下官員組成的執行委員會:








(2) The Executive Board shall have power to act for the Chapter between General Membership meetings. The Executive Board shall meet as often as deemed necessary by the Board. 三 (3) 成員應構成執行委員會的法定人數.

(3) 普通會員是分會結構中的最高權力機構.

(4) 分會應至少每季度定期舉行一次會員大會. 5% 普通會員的人數應構成法定人數. 特別會員會議可由分會執行委員會召集或通過 5% 成員的百分比.

(5) 分會應保存分會會議記錄的文件,並應要求將其副本提供給地方工會秘書.

(6) 分會通知當地 1021 執行委員會對地方工會執行委員會的會議記錄或行動採取的任何異議行動.

(7) The Chapter shall maintain financial records. All funds, 包括收入和支出, shall be recorded and proper financial records shall be maintained in accordance with procedures established by the Local Union. These records shall be transmitted to the Executive Board of the Local Union upon request. 所有財務記錄應至少保存 6 年 (6) years or longer if required by applicable law.

二 (2) 簽名 (分會官員) shall be required to expend Chapter funds. Chapter financial records shall be regularly audited by a Chapter officer or member of the Chapter Executive Board who is not a signer on the Chapter account.


(1) 主席: The President shall officiate at all meetings and shall be responsible for directing the implementation of directives voted on by the Chapter membership. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. 總統應是三人之一 (3) 被授權從分會賬戶中提取資金的官員, after such expenditures have been approved by the Executive Board and/or General Membership.

(2) 副總統: The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President and shall be in charge of membership recruitment. The Vice President shall be one of three (3) 被授權從分會賬戶中提取資金的官員, after such expenditures have been approved by the Executive Board and/or General Membership.

(3) 秘書: The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all Executive Board and General Membership meetings and shall provide a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Local Union upon request. The Secretary shall receive all correspondence and communications on behalf of the Chapter.

(4) 出納員: 司庫應負責章帳戶的存款和支出,並負責執行第 4, 小節 (7). 司庫應為三人之一 (3) 被授權從分會賬戶中提取資金的官員, after such expenditures have been approved by the Executive Board and/or General Membership. The Treasurer shall present the Chapter financial records for audit at the direction of the Treasurer of the Local Union or his/her representative.

(5) 首席管家: 首席管家應作為車間管家在工地履行職責的資源,並將協調管家在涵蓋工地的工作, 地區, 和工作分類.

(6) COPE 協調員和縣 COPE 委員會: COPE協調員應負責向分會成員提供政治信息和教育,並協助和協調投票, 應對卡, 以及與分會和地方工會的政治活動有關的其他職責. 協調員也將是當地的分會代表 1021 County COPE Committee. Additional members may attend County COPE Committee meetings. 縣 COPE 委員會的代表和候補人員應在與執行委員會協商後由總統任命.


管家可由選舉產生, 請願, 或任命代表集體談判協議下的成員. 通過任命或請願選出的管家必須在下一次預定的分會選舉中得到確認. 管家是工地工會的代言人,對於建立強大的工會至關重要, 參與和積極的成員. 管家角色和職責包括, 但不限於, 持續培訓; 新成員的歡迎和介紹; 動員, 教育, 並向會員通報工會活動和其他問題; 解決工地問題; 處理申訴; 及時有效地代表成員.


應任命網站管理員來維護和更新分會網站. 執行委員會可以任命 CAT 團隊或執行委員會的其他成員來協助這項工作.

文章 8. INDUSTRY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES: 分會委派代表出席地方會議 1021 行業委員會.


SEIU 分會代表 1021 兩年一度的大會應由信譽良好的分會成員根據以下公式通過無記名投票選出: 二 (2) 每章和兩個代表 (2) 每增加一百名代表增加 (100) 每個章節的成員.

文章 10. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS: 一般會員應選舉一個合同談判委員會 12 members. Upon completion of negotiations, 集體談判協議的副本應轉發給 SEIU 1021 執行委員會並以會員最常閱讀的三種語言提供給所有會員.

文章 11. RECALL:

召回官員可以由至少由以下人員簽署的請願書發起 20 成員的百分比. 召回發生後, 分會執行委員會應任命一個選舉委員會,並在六十年內對普通會員進行無記名投票選舉 (60) days of the presentation of the recall petition. A majority of votes cast shall determine the recall.


職位持有人辭職時,應宣布選舉職位空缺, 辭去工會職務, 不再是信譽良好的會員, 正在長期休假, or is recalled. Vacancies that occur within one (1) 在與執行委員會協商後,可以通過任命分會主席來填補任期屆滿的年份; 除此以外, 空缺應由一般會員選舉填補. 沒有候選人參選的職位將由總統在選舉證明後任命.


  1. 選舉時間表: Chapter elections shall be held biennially in odd-numbered years and must be completed by November of those years.

  2. 選舉委員會: 執行委員會應任命至少三名 (3) members to an Election Committee. Members of the committee may not be candidates for office in the election. The committee shall adopt all rules and regulations necessary to assure a fair and honest election and nominations procedure and shall provide each candidate with a copy of same. The committee also hears challenges to the conduct of the election. 選舉委員會應向分會執行委員會和地方委員會提交書面報告 1021 三個工作之內的總裁 (3) 計票後的天數. 報告應包括選舉規則, 程序, 時間表, 候選人/問題投票總數, 提出的任何挑戰, and names and phone numbers of Election Committee members. Election results shall be provided to the membership following the election.

  3. 合格: 為了競选和擔任分會官員, 候選人應至少擔任一名信譽良好的成員 (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter. If the chapter has been in existence for less than one (1) 年, 候選人必須是信譽良好的會員,因為該分會被當地認可 1021. 只有信譽良好的會員才有資格參加分會選舉.

  4. 注意: 選舉通知應至少發給每個信譽良好的分會成員 (30) 通過書面通知和/或分會通訊在選舉日期前幾天 (通知必須至少是 30 提名截止日期前幾天). 通知必須包括提名方法, 提名截止日期, 提交候選人的截止日期聲明, 選舉方法, 日期, 時間, 和投票地點, 獲得重複選票的程序, and challenge procedures. The election notice和選舉投票must include the number of convention delegates the Chapter is eligible to elect. The notice and ballot must include the method for election of convention alternates (IE。, 通過選舉, 以亞軍身份委派, 等。). 所有正式選舉材料和通訊必須在出版前由選舉委員會和指定的現場代表審查.

  5. 職位提名: 職位提名將在全體會議上進行 會員大會或書面提交選舉委員會. 被提名人必須在三個小時內到場或提交接受提名的書面通知 (3) 為提名設定的截止日期.

  1. 表決: Chapter elections must be conducted by secret ballot. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote. Proxy voting and write-in candidates are prohibited. The Chapter must provide a method for members to obtain duplicate ballots. 選舉委員會應決定是否通過郵寄方式進行投票, 在工地, 在會員大會上, 或這些方法的組合. A plurality of valid ballots cast shall determine the elected candidates. In the event of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be conducted.

  2. 選票數: 選舉委員會應在一個地點計票, 日期, 和時間通知會員.

  3. 選舉材料: 所有選舉選票和重複選票標記, 無標記, 作廢, 沒用過必須保存一個 (1) 年 (所有打印的選票都必須計算在內).

  4. 挑戰: 必須提交對分會選舉的質疑或爭議 三內至分會選舉委員會 (3) 委員會提交的工作日s election report to the Chapter Executive Board. Challenges must be submitted in writing and must cite specific violation(小號) 章選舉規則和程序, 章章程, 或當地 1021 憲法. 對選舉的質疑只有在引用具體違反選舉規則和程序或地方 1021 憲法以及所指控的違規行為是否可能影響了選舉結果. 分會選舉委員會應在十年內調查並解決挑戰 (10) working days of receipt of the challenge. The Election Committee may order a re-run of all or part of the election.

  1. 上訴: 分會選舉委員會拒絕或無法解決的挑戰或爭議可以書面形式向當地上訴 1021 五內執行局 (5) 收到分會選舉委員會的工作日s decision. The Local 1021 執行委員會應在十五日內進行調查並作出回應 (15) working days of receipt of the challenge. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of the Chapter election rules and procedures, 章章程, 或當地 1021 憲法以及所指控的違規行為是否可能影響了選舉結果.


臨時協議的批准或拒絕應在會員會議上提交給普通會員(小號) called for that purpose or through a mail ballot. The ratification vote shall be by written, 無記名投票. 不允許代理投票. 至少三個 (3) 天必須在合同批准投票之前發出通知.

文章 15. STRIKE:

The Chapter may not initiate a strike without a majority concurrence vote of the total membership by secret ballot in compliance with the International Union Constitution. The strike vote may be conducted at a membership meeting or through a mail ballot. 不允許代理投票. 至少三個 (3) 天written notice shall be given prior to a meeting at which a strike vote is in order. If a strike vote is rendered, 分會應獲得當地的製裁 1021 Executive Board. The Chapter shall not strike without previous notification to the SEIU President or, 在事先通知不可行的情況下, 罷工開始後,在沒有通知的情況下盡快, 在該通知中,該章指出它已遵守所有適用的通知要求. 罷工前還應收到地方中央勞動委員會的罷工製裁.


分會會議應受《共同程序手冊》管轄, 辯論規則, and Order of Business set forth in the Constitution of the International Union. Every member shall follow and be subject to such rules governing debate at all meetings of the Chapter.


對這些章程的修訂可由執行委員會的多數票或由至少 15% 的人簽署的請願書提出 (15%) of the membership. These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the General Membership at a membership meeting or a mail ballot. 必須至少通知會員三十 (30) days prior to the consideration of any amendment and provided with the proposed amendments and the original sections of the bylaws. Amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted to the Local Union headquarters office (100 橡樹街, 奧克蘭, CA 94607) 被審查是否符合當地 1021 Constitution and to be kept on file. No amendment shall be valid or become effective until approved by the Executive Board of the Local Union. Amendments required to bring these bylaws into compliance with the Constitution or bylaws of the Local Union or the International Union may be made by vote of the Chapter Executive Board without submission to the General Membership.

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