Sideletter Regarding Disbursement of QTEA Revenues
Disbursement of San Francisco Quality Teacher and Education Act Revenues
The San Francisco Unified School District (District) agrees to utilize $1,050,000 of the “San Francisco Quality Teacher and Education Act” revenue measure to enhance the retirement contributions for Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021 members that may be required by the passage of the retiree pension enhancement charter amendment. The District agrees it will make the necessary retirement contributions as determined by San Francisco Employees Retirement System (SFERS) to cover the enhanced benefits for all eligible SEIU Local 1021 members on the amount that is in excess of $1,050,000. These additional contributions shall be acknowledged as part of the total compensation package.
In the event the retiree pension enhancement charter amendment does not pass in the June 3, 2008 election, the District agrees to reopen negotiations with SEIU, Local 1021 in a timely manner on the utilization of the $1,050,000 per year should the “San Francisco Quality Teacher and Education Act” pass in the June 3, 2008 election.
This side letter shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration process contained in the collective bargaining agreement.